JLPT Aftermath

So, how did you all get on?

For me, took N5 and was the hardest test compared to all the previous/practice exams I could get a hold of. Particularly the listening was rough. But that’s me, hoping y’all did well!

  1. N2 went as expected. Definitely didn’t fail, definitely didn’t get %100. Pretty chuffed.

    Big おつかれ to everyone who took it, except for the rude and obnoxious kids who can’t follow the most basic of instructions. Like, how hard is it to keep your conversations to a low volume in between sections. Smh.

  2. Took N2. Made the rookie mistake of spending too much time on kanji/vocab/grammar and couldn’t finish the reading section 🙁

  3. I think this N1 test was easier than the last one. I’m sure I did better. Was it enough to pass? We’ll see!

  4. Took the jlpt exam for the first time. N5, Vocab & grammar was easy. For Listening, got confused with some questions.. Overall it was good. Let’s hope all will get good scores🤝

  5. First time taking JLPT, it went a lot easier than I expected. Waiting for my N3 certificate in August.

  6. Took the N3 for the first time today.

    Seemed easier than the practice tests I had done, but Also it felt Iike a good chunk of the grammar I was reviewing/focusing on over the last week just wasn’t part of the questions I had.

    Listening seemed harder than I expected, but that might have been due to the speakers

  7. N3 here.
    Kanji+Vocab was almost flawless. Didn’t know two vocabs without Kanji. In the sentence about teeth hurting, after excluding 2, was left with とんとん vs ずきずき. 50/50 chance. Thought tooth pain comes with the beat of the heart, so とんとん may make sense. Welp…
    The other one was about spilling Coffee on trousers. The resulting stain is… Excluded 2, left with しみ vs こぶ. Thought こぶ may be related to こぼす, which may make sense. Nope, wrong again. Also didn’t know グラウンド, but guessed the synonym 運動場 correctly, because the Vocab reminded me of “Training grounds” or “Battle grounds”.

    Grammar + Reading was mixed. Grammar sucked hard. Not that much N3 grammar was actually needed, that I studied so hard. When building sentences I always came up with two solutions, which is of course not possible. Reading was good, so I hope the points from reading will save me.

    Listening went well, only 4 times where I was unsure. All in all I should have enough to pass, but only if the Grammar + Reading part won’t fail due to my horrible grammar part.

  8. Took N2. The reading section was rough. I had more confidence in this compared to 3 years ago where I was sure I’d fail but I still couldn’t understand the reading section even if I knew the words. The sentences just felt ridiculously long and bloated and I don’t see or hear this level of complexity in native media.

  9. Up until N2 the listening was the hardest for me, not because of lack of skill, but because they played the damn audio via a tape on the oldest audio system I have ever seen in my life. It was like listening to an old lady whispering into a bowl of pudding. Underwater.

  10. Took N4 today at Numazu. Felt pretty comfortable (80%+) on the first two sections then listening hit me like a train. Hope i got the minimum points on listening.

  11. Took N2! Overall not that confident but it was a little bit easier than the Q2 NAT Test a few weeks ago. Since I passed the Q2 NAT, I hope I pass this too!

  12. Took N2 as my first try at the JLPT. The language knowledge section was pretty fine – some difficult questions in the reading section, but probably 70-75%.

    Listening was a bloody massacre though loool

    I’d give myself about 40% odds to pass. It all depends on how bad my listening really was.

  13. N1. I made a few blunders, and there is definitely one question where I possibly overthought things and changed an obvious answer into an answer that was wrong, but just as many answers where I was able to guess from elimination and context— I’m cautiously optimistic.

    I’m pleasantly surprised with how many freebies I got. Grammar seemed suspiciously easy this year, and reading was easier than last time as well. While I’m not super confident about listening, it felt easier than last time.

    Also like half of the freebies I got were from doing weeb shit. Nothing in the textbook I bought was on the test and several things I learned from Pokemon and Xenoblade were

  14. Took n3 today with very little preparation. Feels more like an upgraded version of n4 tbh. Most of what I have studied from n3 grammar book didn’t come up. Probably reading was the best section and listening I think is the area where I always boiled down to two sensible choices. Think might have passed, finger crossed

  15. Took the N1.

    – vocab seemed harder than usual

    – remainder of language skills seemed easier than usual, especially sentence building

    – reading was the easiest N1 reading section I’ve ever seen

    – listening felt a bit more difficult than usual, especially the section where there are only three options

    I was scoring in the 120s on practice tests so hopefully today went good enough to barely pass.

  16. お疲れさまでした! 

    I took the N4 test. It was my first JLPT exam (had skipped the N5 level) and the overall difficulty seemed medium. The vocabulary section was pretty straightforward while the grammar section felt a little confusing. Reading was lengthy, but listening seemed to end too fast😅 Overall, I do hope that I’ll pass but not very sure about the score. However, taking the test for the first time was surely a thrilling and positive experience for me😄😄

  17. お疲れさまでした! 

    I took the N4 test. It was my first JLPT exam (had skipped the N5 level) and the overall difficulty seemed medium. The vocabulary section was pretty straightforward while the grammar section felt a little confusing. Reading was lengthy, but listening seemed to end too fast😅 Overall, I do hope that I’ll pass but not very sure about the score. However, taking the test for the first time was surely a thrilling and positive experience for me😄😄

  18. Took N3 , first time JLPT taker. Right now its a toss up cuz I didn’t prepare much for it. The biggest obstacle was time management for sure. The test wasn’t too hard but I feel like I lost too much time on the reading and grammar part and ended up guessing without care.

    Overall I felt like I definitely should’ve commited more time and I would have been able to know if I’m going to pass or not.

    Edit: Listening part was the easiest for me. I was one of the first people to sign up for it so I managed to sit in front near the radio so I cant complain about that.

  19. Taking n3, Thought it was going well until reading section where I slightly did worse because I was on a hurry but still thought I pass easy.
    And then listening came from poopy boombox, dogs barking outside, car alarm, honking and some dude constantly coughing. No way o got 33 percent, extremely salty felt like I wasted my time learning.

  20. Indeed, the listening section was very tricky.

    I did N3, and this was my very first JLPT. For me, the reading section was also challenging since there were long texts, and I had to decode and convert several kanji(s) into my own language inside my head.

    Totally sapped and exhausted my energy 😅. That being said, 皆さん、お疲れ様でした!

  21. Took N1 this year.

    * Vocabulary and grammar were, for me, easier than in the practice tests I did before.
    * Reading went great, it had always been my best skill in past JLPT levels.
    * Listening went, however, horribly. I feel like I failed most if the 概要理解 section, and I’m not really confident on the first question of the 統合理解. Also, the ポイント理解 section, which I don’t find normally difficult, was also pretty challenging for me.

    I feel like, if I somehow get the minimum marks in listening I could pass, we’ll see. But I really need to brush up my listening comprehension.

  22. Just did N5. First time ever.
    Definitely more difficult than practice tests and quite some guesswork involved at listening. But we’ll see 😂

  23. Took N5, vocab was easy grammar was weird not the kind of questions I expected I feel like reading was way easier than grammar, listening fist half was OK but the second part some of the questions I wasn’t so sure of. Overall I think I’ll pass with what score though we’ll see

  24. I took the N2, and it was my first JLPT ever.

    I found the reading section kinda tough, not sure about my answers to the long paragraphs at all. This is somewhat disappointing for me since in the mock tests I was scoring really well with the reading section.
    I feel that I could have done better with the listening too, but I guess it’s fine.

    Overall I feel like I should pass, but I’m not totally confident.

  25. I took N1, didn’t study at all. Vocabulary was easier than I expected (I actually knew some), grammar was the easiest. Reading wasn’t as difficult as I expected, although some answers I wasn’t 100% sure. Also the second to last question just messed with my brain and I didn’t get it at all (the one with how much is the lady paying for her courses?). I am not even sure how listening went, I definitely got some answers wrong and I spaced out two or three times. I think there is a chance I pass, but I don’t get my hopes up.

  26. I blew it. Blew the fucking N1. For the stupidest fucking reason ever. Had to piss real bad at the beginning of the listening exam even though I just went. Hungry as fuck too even though I ate during the break. So I went cause this student told me I could come back after going to the toilet but the actual teacher told me it made my answers invalid.
    What sucks is the first part went super smooth, think I might’ve been done before the others, and I only made one mistake on the listening mock exam.
    But the stress made my body go nuts I guess. Welp, if I’m lucky I can do it again in December. I’m coping fine enough since it doesn’t feel like a skill issue

  27. N2 here. I feel very confident about listening 聴解, but the reading 読解 took too long to finish. 文法 went as expected.
    I only studied a few hours so it’s my own fault if I fail. It’s a wake up call to apply myself and go for N1 next year.

  28. Just did N5 also.

    Feel like I aced the first two papers, nothing tripped me up there. But the listening… good god, borderline fail Im sure.

    Hopefully the weight average helps if a lot of us found it difficult.

  29. Took N4. Vocab was straight forward despite little prep. I thought I will mess up but I think I did fairly well. Struggled a bit in grammar, a lot of the questions had way too much hiragana which threw me off.

    Listening I found rather easy. Definitely some trick questions in there, I can see people falling for the trap that’s about the woman wanting her luggage transported.

  30. Took N3 in London today, my first JLPT. Generally I think I did well enough to pass, though there is a chance I get disqualified for not entering my code/dob correctly. For whatever reason I skipped the instructions and didn’t realise you have to both write it AND mark the numbers. Reported it afterwards and I think the woman fixed it for me but I won’t know until October I guess.

    I see many people mentioning they didn’t have enough time for reading. My strategy is to start from the end. I always do better in reading whilst grammar tends to be hit and miss so starting from reading means I’m betting on the stronger horse (or whatever 😂). Also, focusing on longer paragraphs of text when tired and under pressure of time is more demanding than focusing on one off sentences.

    My plan was to ditch japanese after N3, but I got some newly found motivation after this. Hopefully it’s still there when I wake up tomorrow 😁

  31. Was my first time taking a JLPT and took the N3 in Japan. Feeling pretty downbeat because I was pretty confident after the first 2 sections and feel that I bombed the listening. If I get the 19 points required to pass the listening section then maybe I’ll have passed overall but not confident. Will maybe try again in December but unsure if I’ll the time to study seriously enough to make it worth it.

  32. The girl next to me was taking pictures (yes, with the sound on) of the test book, writing down things on the desk and on her test voucher. She also started the test before the time. No cards given at all.

  33. N2.

    My retrospective:

    * Continue just reading. The test was easier than last time, I was faster, and 語彙 is now rather simple.
    * Branch out and read some non-fiction.
    * Actually do a JLPT listening book/practice thing. Immersion has helped, but you don’t hear conversations like in the test. Either you need to level up above the content or learn the technique.

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