Mobile oeprator for data roaming

Hi, I’ve been living here 3 years but considering getting my own mobile instead of the corporate one. I’d rather buy my own phone and use a SIM only operator.

I really like [](’s offer especially for the 82 countries data roaming.

A few questions please if you have the answers:

* Have you used data roaming for 3-4 week (Max is 15 days)? Did it work as expected even if the bandwidth is reduced to 1Mbps after 2 weeks?
* Do you know if they will expand the data roaming to Thailand? A country we like to visit with my wife. Or any other operators which has a data service covering Thailand?
* Anything worth mentioning (i.e. Do they charge to receive SMS for instance?)?


  1. This seems like a post about shopping, maybe your question is solved by [the wiki page](

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  2. Ahamo supports roaming in Thailand already. Haven’t had the chance to use it abroad yet, so can’t offer any advice to your other questions.

  3. I used it for 16 days in England. First two weeks were perfect, last two days were almost unusably slow. Could barely get transit search results on Google to load, let alone normal browsing.

  4. After 15 days overseas, the bandwidth will drop to 128kbps. The drop to 1mbps is only after you finish your 20gb or 100gb for the month within Japan.

    I’ve used it for 10 days overseas, but I haven’t gotten over 15 days yet in one month, so can’t answer that for you. No charges for receiving SMS.

  5. Used the benefit in UK, Denmark, Taiwan, Indonesia last year. Very good for the full speed period. Almost useless after that

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