A concern about Residence Card and fixed residence

Do employers help their employee, work visa sponsored, from abroad to find accommodation with a fixed residence or not? Such as giving links to real estate places and expect new arrivals to do that on their own. Knowing what real estate companies require that the new arrival doesn’t have yet.

What if the fixed address is in other prefecture?

Or do they just say, good luck on your own with no guarantor and no fixed address for the Residence Card?

Do employers who hire from abroad know about the catch 22 things about Residence Card issues of not having a fixed address and without helping out the employee with accommodation?

Thanks for reading,

  1. >Do employers help their employee, work visa sponsored, from abroad to find accommodation with a fixed residence or not?

    Sometimes, sometimes not. Depends on the employer. It is something you’d want to clarify before accepting an offer though.

    >What if the fixed address is in other prefecture?

    I live in Chiba and work in Tokyo. Probably a few million people in a similar situation. Not to mention those who live in Kanagawa or Saitama. It’s not a problem.

  2. Some employers will help you find housing, others won’t. It really depends on your employer. Mine did not, but it wasn’t a problem at all.

    And there’s not really a “Catch 22” for an address— you need to register an address within two weeks of your arrival, but it doesn’t have to be your “permanent” address. I stayed at a serviced apartment for nearly two months while I apartment-hunted. I registered that address first, and then when I moved into the apartment I just went to my ward office and changed the address. Very easy, not an issue.

  3. The level of support differs by companies. Below are some options I’ve seen through out the year.

    – Put people fresh off the boat in a company dorm. This was the case when I first came to Japan.
    – Arrange for the new employee to stay in a sharehouse. Some of my friends at a different dispatching company took this option.
    – Provide some support like introducing to real estate agencies.
    – Give the employee a boat load of money then let them figure it out by themselves. This is the case at my current one. I sorta feel bad for the new folks, espcially those who speak no Japanese. But apparently money talks, and they can make it works without too much issues.

    Another point is the guarantor needs not be someone you know. I and most people I know use guarantor company all the time.

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