Japanese SIM card or Pocket WiFi?

Hello everybody,

I will be moving to Japan at the beginning of June and am unsure what to do about my mobile data. I’ve read a bunch of threads here, although a few are pretty out of date so I’d like to ask the question myself.

I’m currently using a Google Pixel 4a 5G and I’ve checked all the different bands and I think I’m good for _most_ of them, albeit some of the top bands are apparently not available for it but that’s whatever to me.

From what I’ve gathered, people recommend using MVNOs that basically use Docomo while also saying that you should not use Softbank (because it’s not as good?). I’ve debated ordering some Mobal SIM card before my flight so I’m covered for at least a bit while setting up everything in Japan, but it does seem to be kind of expensive compared to MVNOs I could get in Japan (but again – I have little to no clue about this topic).

The other option I checked were pocket WiFis. These don’t seem like the best idea for a long-term stay though, considering their cost and them (mostly?) using Softbank or AU while apparently throttling speeds relatively fast if you go over a certain daily limit even. I’ve used them before on 2 week vacations and they were good, but yeah – are these even an option?

What do I need a Japanese phone number for, specifically? I’m not planning on opening up a Japanese bank account while staying there and IIRC, you don’t need a Japanese phone number to register your address at the ward office or want to register for the national health insurance? Is that correct or have I not paid enough attention?

I’m happy for all the help I can get. Is a pocket WiFi worth it or should I just go for a SIM card? If the latter; which mobile providers are “the best”?

Edit: I should mention that I don’t do that much on my phone while travelling around, besides using Maps, reddit and Discord.

Thanks in advance.

  1. I had Pocket Wi-Fi before.
    It’s only good for doing light stuff (email, browsing)
    After a certain usage they will throttle your speed a lot that even YouTube will start buffering…

  2. >I’ve debated ordering some Mobal SIM card before my flight so I’m covered for at least a bit while setting up everything in Japan, but it does seem to be kind of expensive compared to MVNOs I could get in Japan

    It ***is*** more expensive. There’s a reason most people consider Mobal/Sakura “starter” SIMs. They will take a foreign credit card, ship that card to your address outside of Japan, and provide English-language support. But you pay a premium for that “foreigner friendly” service.

    >are these even an option?

    For a long term stay? No. Pocket wifis are not a good solution long term.

    If you’re only staying for a few months… Maybe?

    >I’m not planning on opening up a Japanese bank account while staying there

    Is there a particular reason you’re not? If you’re staying for any extended amount of time, a Japanese account is going to be a necessity.

    >What do I need a Japanese phone number for, specifically?

    Communicating with your employer. Health care. Signing up for utilities.

    Not having a Japanese number (or a bank account) will make a lot of things very difficult. I guess if you’re on a WHV, or only doing an exchange, it could be workable. But if you’re living/working here long term you’re seriously handicapping yourself.

  3. Literally no reason for a pocket wifi if you’re not in a group, it’ll cost more, run out of charge and it’s an extra thing to charge every day

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