How many companies did you apply until landing a ALT position?

Out of my curiosity, just asking?

  1. Three.

    Originally applied to JET and did not get past the application process. After speaking with people who have been accepted my SOP was not what they were looking for and that is terribly on me for not doing more information.

    Applied to ECC and Interac right after getting the rejection from JET. Was upset but knew it’d be smarter to keep pushing then reflect and wait.

    Went to the ECC interview and it ended up being a mutual thing where I left the interview and wasn’t as contempt in what they offered/said compared to others and they said i wasn’t fully polished and kind of a wise guy. The rejection didn’t hit that hard.

    Interac i ended up going through the full process in a little over two weeks. Really enjoyed my recruiter and it was an enjoyable but serious interview and now I leave in March.

    There are pros and cons to all of these jobs and there’s a chance you can get rejected from some, or many. The main thing to always remember is

    1.) Finding the job you think you’d enjoy the most
    2.) If You’re serious about teaching, not giving up after one rejection.

  2. Also 1 but it was a direct hire. Not a company. But we can’t seem to fill to position now

  3. 2 Didn’t get GABA but that was a good thing in the end. Got ECC and I’m headed to japan in the spring. 🙂

  4. One. Outside of JET….ALT companies will take ANYONE. I am not even sure the “Have a pulse” requirement still stands anymore.

    I did my group interview in L.A. and a dude showed up 40 minutes later wearing a Hawain shirt and shorts, yawned the entire interview, asked 0 questions, and generally had a dick vibe all day.

    He was at my initial training in Japan.

  5. I applied at 2 before I got my first ALT job. I was rejected by JET the first time so I applied to Interac. Then I rejected the offer from Interac, waited a year and tried JET again. I got into JET that time.

    After finishing JET, I applied to three positions and got a direct hire job at the only BOE I applied for. The other two positions were Altia, which ghosted me, and Interac, which I rejected the offer from a second time.

  6. I applied to jet, altia interviewed, interact failed interview, peppy failed miserably, a few no name companies owls and passed borderlink

  7. I applied for JET but the application process is still on going. Decided to still keep applying because successful candidates for JET interview will be announced in a few months. Didn’t hear from Borderlink like no response or anything. GABA now NOVA can’t proceed with my application because of where I am. I did however land an interview with one of the shadiest companies out there (I won’t name it but y’all know which one I’m talking about). Here’s the catch though, I got rejected two minutes into the interview because of my hair color. HAHA! It was definitely my bad but I’ve been keeping the same hair color for the past 2 years or so. I just decided to proceed with the interview as presentable as I could except for the hair color. I just thought that it’s not like I will start working t omorrow or the next week. But hey, I guess I learned my lesson the hard way. HAHA!

    P.S. This interview happened yesterday. I now have a black hair. HAHA!

  8. I probably sent in 50 applications
    Maybe 5-7 interviews?
    Landed 1 job.

    I’m not sure if it’s as easy as some people say. I did well in the interviews and don’t have any reason to be rejected. For example I applied for JET 3X. First 2 times I was put on the waiting list. 3rd time I was rejected without an interview.

    Sometimes you’re just unlucky.

  9. 1, just JET and just 1 time

    To give an idea of my particular situation:

    No teaching experience, little (I said no) Japanese ability, never been to Japan before, and no family/friends in Japan.

    On the flip side: ex military (don’t know if that helped or hurt. I assume helped bc displays independence), a lot of work/training peers experience, 4.0 GPA & extracurriculars and junk, and I applied in the US (largest quota for JET). I’m also married which I hear actually helps (a lot of rural ppl I know are married prior to arrival)

  10. Quite funny to see. Here in Japan, it’s quite impossible not to get hired on an ALT position when you are non-Japanese.

    I speak English with quite a Dutch accent and got an interview with 2 ladies that where almost not capable to have an English conversation. Hired anyway

    At the end of the day, I decided to NOT be a teacher in English before I will attack the teacher I need to support 🤪

  11. 2 with BORDERLINK went with them because, they had a higher offer than Interac which surprised me.

  12. I’ve had two ALT jobs. One in Hokkaido and the other in Tokyo. Of interviews I’ve recieved while in Japan I am 100% jobs recieved. On the other hand I’ve sent out maybe 20 applications each time to no response.

    And on living in the country like somebody else mentioned it’s totally sweet! My town was 2k people but after a couple years I felt I needed a change and moved to Tokyo. With the experience you’ll have a better chance too!

    Edit: never applied for jet and came over here on the fast boat by way of eikaiwa.

  13. I applied to over a dozen, heard back from 3 accepted by 1. Try not to be too discouraged and make sure to tailor your resume and cover letters to fit the place.

  14. I applied to JET, no go, then applied to a couple eikaiwa and then I got my ALT spot. Saying I didn’t want to be in a huge city was helpful.

  15. Applied for Interac and got accepted. Then applied for Altia but did not hear back. Applied to JET and got declined. Got plenty of emails from Heart but after reading horror stories I didn’t apply. Interac treated me okay leaning to good as my brand was great except for a few of the alt cuz they’re annoying ass fucks

  16. First, I just applied to JET and got that many years back (as an emergency alternate replacement, though).

    This time, like, 9 or 10 for ALT and Eikaiwa both. It was for a September start position though, and this summer was unusually thin for job listings from what I could tell. I got rejection after rejection, I think mostly because I lived in Aomori and they didn’t want to bother with someone who had to relocate so far. That, or the whole being transgender thing.

    Interac and Borderlink didn’t pass me through the initial screenings/interviews, and yet several much more reputable companies and BOEs did. I didn’t even get a reply from Gaba. A very confusing experience and I have no idea what it might have been, besides possible location/gender discrimination

  17. For me, I’m probably over qualified for a position such as an ALT. 0
    It can be challenging finding better teaching jobs or other jobs without a Masters from what I’ve seen and heard. I could be wrong about that.

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