Did Kirin change their basic beer formulation?

It says “new tasty!” On the can and it tastes different imo… more like hapoushu or something.

Anyone noticed?

  1. As far as I’m aware, they haven’t. However, it’s very possible you bought a can of Kirin Happoushu. Without seeing the can itself, I have no idea what you’re drinking. However, on the can you’ll see it labeled as either beer or happoushu somewhere.

  2. The last time I had 一番搾り was a couple of weeks ago and it tasted the same as always.

  3. I thought it was different (worse) recently. I heard it was something to do with a cheaper sugar syrup but that could be total bollocks.

    I’ve almost given up on Japanese beer now. Kirin black is still good, and Premium Malts, and Ebisu still make a decent enough ale (the ebisu winter selection pack is a very welcome winter gift) but the mainstream lagers seem to be getting worse and worse. That “new” Kanji is almost always the death of a J_beer.

  4. I recently had Kirin Ichiban for the first time in about 4 years. Tasted like the same old dry, bitter, carbonated bread water as it’s always been. When it comes to most Japanese beers I feel the taste of the beer hasn’t changed, our tastes have changed. I used to love Kirin and Ebisu but now can’t stomach them after I tried craft beers.

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