How do you feel about Americanized sushi? My new job is all about it.

How do you feel about Americanized sushi? My new job is all about it.

  1. Satisfies a different craving for me. Similar to how I crave Panda Express or generic mall food court Chinese food and I crave actual Chinese food. Either one would not satisfy the other.

    I grew up eating Americanized sushi so it still has a place in my palette. But when I’m craving nigiri or sashimi, it will not do.

  2. A lot of it is really good but I also enjoy the authentic stuff. It just depends on how I’m feeling I guess

  3. There’s room for both, even grocery store sushi, but I draw the line at gas station sushi, but not gas station burritos.

  4. It’s all I know how to make. Hopefully, I’ll have the opportunity to learn some more authentic recipes, after this next move.

  5. As a sushi chef, im not crazy about it. It takes away from displaying traditional skill. On the other hand I’d lends to a lot more creativity, which I enjoy. That doesn’t extend drowning every roll in multiple sauces. If the sauce is integral, it’s fine to have it there, but should be done in a more portioned and controlled way. Add extra sauce on the side or something you know?

  6. A part of every art or tradition is being able to adapt and modernize. Food is no exception. I think sometimes it gets a bit out there (stuff like sushi burritos) but as far as what is pictured, I think it pays decent respect to the original style while also adding the American touch.

  7. There’s a time and a place, or an extent.

    I could get down on the middle one, the bottom one is a bit too wet and saucy for me.

  8. I love both sauced up, deep fried rolls and classic, simple nigiri and rolls. They’re both amazing in different ways. The only thing I don’t like is when they put cheese on it (but this happens in Japan too)!

  9. If the rolls are done right it’s delicious it will never compare to a expensive Omakase but I have had some great hand roll sushi that hit the spot🤙🤙🤙🤙

  10. I hate fried rolls. Idk if that’s even a thing in Japan, but it seems pretty American. Also don’t like rolls with multiple sauces drizzled on them

  11. I like them just as much as traditional sushi. I feel like people are allowed to like whatever food they like, but American fusion food always has a special place in my heart. I like seeing how all the unique cultures that immigrants have brought blend together and with American food. 😊

  12. I only have a problem when something is difficult to eat, too big or too messy.

  13. i came to this thread expecting all of the comments to be super negative, glad to see that’s not the case.

    for me, these types of rolls really hit the spot when I’m in the mood for them. it’s all about time and place

  14. Brazil also modifies sushi. Mainly with cream cheese. Never tasted the American sushi, but i’m not a purist, so i would give It a try

  15. For me, it’s like Chinese food. There is the American stuff and there is the authentic stuff. Is it the same? Hell no. But it’s still food and it still appeals to some people. My favorite sushi roll comes from a grocery store ffs. I enjoy it but I’d never compare it to a legit Japanese dish.

  16. If it’s delicious, it’s delicious. Is it different? Maybe but tuna is different from salmon anyway

  17. Americanized sushi that stays true to Japanese inspiration, I love it. Rolls with raw fish, veggies, sauces, crispy bits etc, stuff you’d never see in Japan is great. But cheeseburger rolls and stuff like that… not for me.

  18. Not a fan, personally. I eat sushi because it’s light in calories and is simple. And beautiful.

  19. I love sushi and I like some Americanized sushi, but I generally prefer more authentic Japanese sushi. It’s not because of the authenticity. I’m Hispanic and love a lot of authentic food from my culture, but I also still enjoy Taco Bell. I love authentic Chinese food, but I still slam down some Panda Express. For sushi, it really is just that I love the simplicity of a lot of the authentic Japanese stuff. Some of the over the top, cheese stuffed, deep fried, nine sauce covered rolls that get served in Americanized sushi.. they’re just too much. I want to taste the fish. I want to enjoy the subtle, delicate flavors.

    Not that there aren’t some ostentatious Japanese dishes as well, but I don’t necessarily like them as much either.

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