University and japanese study balance.

I am an undergrad student in architectural university. Started learning Japanese seriously in January 2022. Built a system for Japanese studies (1-click sentence mining, immersion plan, progress tracking etc.), but it’s quite hard to keep up both university and Japanese, even though I decreased my listening to around 40 min a day and reading to 30 mins a day in 2023. I also do from 5 to 7 Anki cards per day now (compared to 15-25 last year) so that I won’t burn out in a long run. On sundays I don’t do any Japanese except Anki and few anime episodes if I feel like it.

I’d be grateful to hear any advices.

  1. Sounds very sensible to me. Unless there’s a pressing need to know Japanese then clearly it should take a back burner in favor of an undergrad course that you’ll undoubtedly be paying a lot of money for.

    Edit: As for your new study schedule (which is probably what you were really asking about), that is more than sufficient to keep your Japanese knowledge at its current level and to progress it. If anything I’d probably reduce the number of days you study Japanese. Maybe once every 2 days (apart from Anki of course which is unforgiving).

  2. im in a similar situation myself but im still testing things out as well. i toned down to a goal of 5 anime eps a week and do 15 new cards a day for anki. i recommend you check out fsrs4anki if you havent yet, helped me a lot keeping my anki reps to only around 15-20mins a day

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