This is for any dispatch ALTs

I need to take a month off next year, basically from the end of May to the end of June….well I talked to my company earlier and asked for 2 weeks (I thought I would only need two weeks) and they said it was fine. But now I found out it needs to be a month. Also the reason is to finish up some online college in person. I will have 13 paid vacation days saved up by then (barring any emergencies) So I will technically only be taking 7 unpaid days off.

But I am worried that telling them I need a month before I sign my contract for next year is going to have them say, o, well, fuck off then.

To the best of my knowledge they are fully within their rights to do so, but I also don’t wanna be a dick, and just be like hey guys, thanks for the new contract, I need to take a full month off 5 weeks from now. Thanks.


What’s the best play here? Honestly like I said, they have been super cool and supportive until now.

  1. If you’re going to do it regardless of what they say you should bring it up soon and have as good a relationship as possible with high performance. If they like you enough they can probably accommodate

  2. If you’re the best ALT they have, no problem at all. If you’re just average or slightly underperforming, you might have difficulty.

  3. Mistake number 1 – you actually told them something. Never tell them anything. Drop these bombshells within two weeks and make up a bullshit excuse if you have to.

    Friend of mine tried to take time off at the end of his contract because a new company wanted him to start early. Rather than bullshitting his way into taking time off for personal reason (which he could have done) he dropped the info about the new job and there was hell on because he would technically be employed while still under contract. Had he just told them he wanted to use up the paid vacation, nothing would have happened.

    Seriously, don’t tell them anything.

    I find actually trying to do things the right way always tends to backfire.

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