Genki Tadoku ebooks coming soon!

I have been emailing the Genki folks and was given this awesome piece of info today:


> GENKI Japanese Readers Box 1-4 e-books will be available in our
digital store from the 17th.

>The e-books offered by The Japan Times Publishing DIGITAL STORE are
provided through subscription for the period (plan) that you select.
They are accessed on our e-book reading website.
Access to a subscribed e-book ends when the subscription period concludes.
The e-books cannot be copied, downloaded, printed out, or viewed in an offline.

>Please come back to this page after the 17th.

  1. Nice! I was a bit turned off by the price of the books although I love the idea. Hopefully the subscription isn’t too crazy. It seems like a good way to get access when you want it but without spending hundreds of dollars. $10/month or less would be nice.

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