Breaking News: Japan Drops 3-Year-Old Mask Mandate for Public Spaces, But Will Citizens Follow Suit? — HTT News

Breaking News: Japan Drops 3-Year-Old Mask Mandate for Public Spaces, But Will Citizens Follow Suit? — HTT News

  1. Mandate? You mean guidelines, there was never a mandate.
    And no, it’s not an overnight change. It will be a gradual transition probably cumulating to the change of classification of COVID planned in May

  2. They won’t. They dropped mask requirement at my gym on 1st of March. While of course some people stopped wearing masks, I’d say its still half an half, if not slightly more than half wearing masks from my own observations.

    It’s gonna take a while.

  3. It was not a mandate, it was guidelines – there is a big difference (and unfortunately they haven’t removed all guidelines even now).

  4. so…

    we’re about to discover thousands of secret moustaches and goatees

    bullshit on make up companies too

  5. I have been in Japan for six weeks and just by casual observation predict high mask use after mandate is lifted in some areas. Most of my time has been in the Sasebo and saw drivers with no one else in the cars wearing a mask.

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