Pollen Allergies

I don’t have allergies… at least I never have had them in my life until a few days ago. These last few days everyone in my family and their friends have been complaining about how harsh the pollen is this year. It feels like glass in my throat and my nose is a fountain. What say the Reddit community? Are you all experiencing an unprecedented amount of pollen allergies and if so, can you recommend some OTC from Daikoku that works well?

  1. I don’t have bad allergies, but I think you’ll have better luck going to a clinic. Most doctors will be happy to prescribe anti-histamines for you, as well as an expectorant or decongestant if you need it

  2. According to my partner, the reports are saying that pollen allergens are somewhere in the area of 10x higher than usual this year.

  3. I don’t have a runny nose, more of a congestion. I have to use a nasal spray daily. Not sure it’s allergies, but this is not normal for me.

  4. Welcome to the club!

    OTC medicines like ストナリニ S (cheap, but has side effects like dry throat and drowsiness) or アレジオン (a bit expensive, cheaper to buy in Amazon, less side effects) works well for me.

  5. It totally just kicked in for me one year, though I was fine for the first couple springs here. Going to the Dr to get meds cheap is solid advice if you’ve got time on your hands, but most drug stores carry generic Claritin and Allegra now so you can just run out and get some yourself as well without it costing all that much and without needing an on-site pharmacist anymore. Hope you feel better!

  6. i’ve always had pollen allergies, but my highest are sugi/hinoki, lucky for me!

    go to a clinic, can get cheaper and more effective

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