Studying Kanji from JLPTSensei, I noticed something weird about n1 list… any explanations?

I’m studying for the JLPT exam and using JLPTSensei for along with other sites to study kanji (since all the kanjis are listed nicely in jlptsensei). I’m almost done with n2, wanted to check n1 kanji list but… there are only 40 kanjis in N1 section?! [](

I couldn’t dig an explanation from the site, and when i check different sites there are waaay more than 40 kanjis in the N1 kanji lists. I wonder what I’m missing about JLPTSensei.

1 comment
  1. >(this page is a work in progress, but I’m doing my best to add multiple new lessons every week)


    >*NOTE* There is no official complete JLPT Kanji List

    >These lessons are created to the best of my ability based on prior test data, but there is no official JLPT kanji list.

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