First time making sushi! First roll in the back, second in the front

First time making sushi! First roll in the back, second in the front

  1. It was really fun to finally make my own sushi, and came out way better than I expected it would.

    Here were my general steps, please let me know if there’s anything I should change, and what I need to improve on!
    – For the rice I followed [this recipe](
    – I let it cool about ~20-30 minutes to room temperature.
    – Then I got the nori, waved it over the stovetop about 10 seconds (I heard this helps it avoid flaking).
    – I wet my hands, spread out the rice over the rough side of the nori on my rolling mat, with about an inch of leftover nori kept bare at the end.
    – Laid out the cucumber/carrot/smoked salmon down the middle of the rice and rolled.
    – Then I wet a chef’s knife with cool water and cut! I noticed pressing down messed it up and crushed it too much, so I just moved it back and forth and let its own weight push it through.

    Sorry the first picture is a bit blurry. I was going to retake it when I noticed, but by then most of the sushi had mysteriously disappeared…

  2. I’m sorry I have a hard time believing that’s your first time rolling looks too good

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