Hello r/Learn Japanese! I am going on an exchange program and need some help with more things to write in my letter to my host family, as well as any adjustments I need to make.

Here is what I have so far:


私の名前は(my name in katakana)です。初めまして❕

わたしはオーストラリアの (my city in katakana)の出身です。







Please Help!

  1. しゅみはほんをよむことと、ゴルフをすることと、セイリングすることです。

    I don’t think this is possible

    趣味は本を読んだり、ゴルフをしたり、セイリングをします should be better

    The other sentences are also kinda strange but I have no time right now

  2. Native speaker here. You did very good job! Everything you want to say is very clear.

    Someone mentioned the sentence about hobby, but yours is correct so don’t worry.

    This letter is already good to go in my opinion, but if you want to write more professionally, here are some suggestions.

    1,拝啓 ホストファミリー**の皆様(みなさま)**、

    2,**今15歳で、**高校1年生です。(It is not common to say “15 years old **and half**” in Japanese, so let’s cut the 半)

    They must be impressed and be happy to receive this letter. 楽しみですね!

  3. I can’t help since I’m still learning and I have a long way to go. But I want to say I’m very jealous of that :>

    Can I ask how does work this exchange program for you? Do you have to pay maybe or is it free and from school or something like that? I think about going to an English speaking country or Japan on a exchange, even short one, because something long could be very problematic, if I get an opportunity. Probably not, my Polish school doesn’t organize things like that and outside of it they are really expensive, but I still would want to know about it and how does it work since it’s an interesting topic.

  4. I think you may remove 拝啓. It’s too formal and should be used in pair with closing word 敬具. In a formal letter, address would be at the very end of the letter.

    Yours would be perfectly fine with just ホストファミリーの皆さまへ at the top part.

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