For the Club huh.. Jay hasn’t even been gone for a full month yet… and the disrespect has already started.

For the Club huh.. Jay hasn’t even been gone for a full month yet… and the disrespect has already started.

For the Club huh.. Jay hasn’t even been gone for a full month yet… and the disrespect has already started. from njpw

  1. Finlay looks incredibly shit here, like He fell into a painted his hair black with cheap color.

  2. Man, I like Finlay but following Jay White is a big ask. Jay was already on the up with Omega exiting so he already had momentum but Finlay feels forced.

  3. From the moment switchblade jay white came into NJPW he was made to feel special. Finlay has been a lower midcarder for years. I’m not saying he can’t succeed as a top heel, but that’s why it’s so jarring to see him get the switchblade treatment out of nowhere.

    I almost feel ELP is acting like the voice of the audience here. In kayfabe looking around at all the other BC guys besides gedo like “..seriously…this guy is our new ace?”

  4. I am wonder if people here actually have seen Finlay on this current tour. Because he is a lot more interesting than Jay was the last two years.

  5. It feels like Finlay’s only getting this spot because New Japan is in a real rough spot right now with finding that main event singles foreigner to run Bullet Club post-Jay (and he’s their best in-ring guy available in that pool), and I might be in the minority but I think he’s done a really good job with it so far. I think it’s really important for the next BC leader to be distinct stylistically from Jay White, and whereas Jay was the king of crowd work, psychology, stalling, and chickenshit cheating (in addition to his top-level work), Finlay just goes in there and beats dudes through pure aggression, saving most of his heel work for attacking them before and after the bell. In that sense, I think the change has been a success.

    Except for his look. The spiky pauldron ring jacket he’s been using looks like a pale imitation of something EVIL used to wear in his previous gimmick, and just going black with silver streaks on the hair and beard instead of completely changing his face look…like Jay rocked long unbound hair and beard his entire run. If you’re gonna be a break from Jay, at least put that hair up in a style or cut it short or something.

  6. Finlay is fantastic in this role. You are meant to hate him, not respect and cheer for him as people did for Jay.

  7. I’ve started to come around to Finlay since the G1. He’s had a sort of edge to him since.

    I’m still on the fence about him, but I’ll keep an open mind.

  8. I can’t say It’s not interesting to put David Finlay on this spot. The road ahead is also exciting. I think we have very very high expectations for anyone who is to be the face or one of the faces of Bullet Club – they will always be compared to the Elite, Styles, Switchblade and their greatest rivals as well. Finlay has huge boots to fill, but he also showed big signs of promise in the past. I’m a bit hyped for the unknown direction in which BC will go.

  9. ELP knows it was his birthright to be the next Leader of Bullet Club. Stunt on these hoes ELP

  10. Jay is coming back to screw over Finley during his New Japan Cup final match isn’t he?

  11. It’s the look that people are hung up on, He looks like discount Jay every time a leader has been ousted the next guy has always been a 180 from previous leaders.

    I find Finley average in everything and looking like Jay isn’t helping him he needed to change up the look dye his hair change his beard something to set him apart personally I would of liked ZSJ to come in he’s ready for the main event treatment and him in TMDK is just meh.

  12. Finley is a weird choice to become the next leader of Bullet Club, but ELP seems to be headed his way out of BC, while KENTA probably gonna be more focused on defending the Strong belt in future US shows. Hopefully this also ends up with HOT finally being their own faction and no longer be associate with BC so maybe EVIL can finally be pushed as a powerhouse threat instead of a chicken shit heel who needs to cheat in every big match.

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