Has anyone worked at an Amazon Warehouse in Japan?

They pay okay for a contractor/part time job and being able to work without interacting with people while being physically active seems pretty good to me but I’d like to hear what its like, how hard the work is from anyone who has experience working there.

  1. All I know is you can leave your piss bottle at home. Seems to only be an issue in the US…maybe Xina not confirmed yet.

  2. Not me, but my wife who’s my then gf. Worked few days at some of their sorting facility. It’s non-stop work, double/triple on peak days. Mostly on your own,, so yeah less interaction part like you mentioned. All in all, it was depressing.

  3. I watched some news thing this morning where a couple high school kids went to an Amazon sorting facility and were wowed by how clean and cool it was with all this fancy sorting tech. Made it look like the coolest and best place on earth. I think one of the kids even commented at the end that they wanted to use Amazon more

  4. Hello, I worked at an Amazon Fulfillment center in Japan for a while before and I recommend you avoid working at Amazon at ALL COSTS.
    I was a direct hire and they treated me like excuse my language but… they treated me like shit.
    Sure the guys at HR were kinda nice, but the actual supervisors that you’ll work with in the Warehouse were a racist rude bunch.
    Even threatened to fired a colleague of my when she had to go through eye surgery and couldn’t work for a while. In my personal experience you’re better off working at seven eleven.

  5. Not sure if it applies to you but I see this thought line often from people here. Primarily English teachers who’ve become jaded doing a customer service job and want one with minimal interactions with people.

    So they get interested in factory or agricultural work. Let me tell you. DO NOT DO IT if that’s your reason. You will be worked to the bone and treated shit by an aggressive supervisor

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