Searching for an Anki deck for Ni No Kuni game

I’m hunting for a vocab list or anki deck for Ni No Kuni. Anyone know of one off the top of their head?


  1. There’s one on for the anime. Close enough? Unfortunately they don’t make it easy to export to Anki. (Only from Anki)

  2. I’ve been looking for the same thing but to no avail. If you do happen to come across the game script, I’d be more than happy to sort it by vocabulary frequency and make an anki deck for it, but I couldn’t find that either.

    I’ve already done the Core 6K, so I’ve just been playing through it and adding words I don’t know yet to a deck. Haven’t been playing too long, but I suppose I could share that deck at some point. (This is for Wrath of the White Witch btw)

  3. What Ni No Kuni game?

    Maybe u/Jo-Mako has something ready? Otherwise if we have the script of the game I can automatically create a Anki deck for it (though of course it won’t be manually curated).

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