Asylum seekers

Let’s say a asylum seeker comes to Japan , has old convictions for burglary of cars and houses . Will Japan turn em away ? Please do not answer if you know nothing about the laws in regards to asylum seeking .

  1. I don’t know the specific laws which I know is what you are after.

    What I do know is Japan accepts only a tiny number of asylum seekers each year. Literally less than 100 most years.

    Last year was a huge exception to this where they accepted something like 2300 Ukrainians. Whether this indicates a general change of policy is uncertain at this point.

    That is for a country of 130 million or so.

    To put that in context, New Zealand accepts around 1500 with a population of 4 million.

  2. Convictions in Japan, or elsewhere?

    If the latter, how would the Japanese authorities find out, unless the person offers that information themselves or they are on an Interpol notice?

    If the asylum seeker is escaping from their country because they are a homosexual, whatever the law enforcement folks say in that country may not be entirely trustworthy.

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