Up to date, precise list of prohibited/controlled substances in Japan?

I and my travel buddies are trying to determine if any of us need to apply for a Yunyu Kakunin-sho, but after a lot of googling everything seems to link back to this same brief page on the Japanese MLHW site: [Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Information for those who are bringing medicines for personal use into Japan (mhlw.go.jp)](https://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/policy/health-medical/pharmaceuticals/01.html)

This page says:

>When you bring your personal medicines into Japan up to the amount described below, you do not have to apply for “Yunyu Kakunin-sho”, instead the officers at customs check the amount of your bringing medicines, and then you can bring them into Japan.
>◆ Poison, Deadly poison, Prescription drug : Up to 1 month supply
◆ Drug for external use (excluding Poison, Deadly poison, Prescription drug) : Up to 24 per one item
◆ Injectable drug and Syringe for the drug: Up to 1 month supply
  \* Only “Pre-filled Syringe” or “Self-injection Kit”
◆ Other Drugs, Quasi drugs : Up to 2 month supply

>In addition, no product containing [the designated pharmaceutical ingredients (see linked table)](https://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/policy/health-medical/pharmaceuticals/dl/Ingredients_name.pdf)(57KB), which is sold in foreign countries/regions with advertisement on enhancing cerebral function and other mental effects, shall be imported, unless use of such a product is complying with doctor’s prescription or instruction. However, it would be permissible for foreign travelers to bring such a medicinal product into Japan by his/her self, in the purpose of self-medication during his/her stay.
> Regardless of the description above, you cannot bring prohibited drugs and controlled drugs into Japan.

However, neither this page nor the linked FAQ point to an actual list of prohibited or controlled substances, and googling is not helping (I just wind up back on this same page).

I’ve looked at the subreddit FAQ and found the list of controlled substances there [faqs/japantravel/medicine – JapanTravel (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/wiki/faqs/japantravel/medicine/), but the sources it cites are all dead links, and the FAQ still talks about getting a Yakkan Shoumei instead of a Yunyu Kakunin-sho, so I’m concerned it’s not up to date (and in any case I don’t want to rely solely on a list from a reddit with no confirmable sources for not getting arrested in customs!). Does anyone know where to find an *actual current list* of prohibited and controlled substances, or is the only option to email the Ministry?

  1. Honest answers: we should have updated the terminology, but currently and for the foreseeable future – the current situation is a big mess, because MHLW had forgot to tell anyone (this includes Japanese Embassies or consulates) about the new application process: https://impconf.mhlw.go.jp/aicpte/page/login.jsp?lang=en) and removed English-language lists of the prohibited/restricted substances.

  2. Might be a waste of resources on their part but.. for each of my trips I applied for a yakkan shoumei (now called Yunyu Kakunin-sho) with a list of my medications, knowing they’re probably all acceptable, and within a day I’d get a reply stating they’re fine to bring over. It puts my mind at ease instead of stressing over it, trying to find out if my meds contain something not allowed.

  3. I take a drug called sumatriptan for occasional migraines. It’s not absolutely necessary I bring the drug with me to Japan on my trip in two weeks but it does significantly improve my well being. Two questions for any kind redditors that might know the answer

    1. Is this drug permitted?
    2. Do I have to do any extra paperwork to bring this drug into Japan.

    Thank you 🙂

  4. Is a month worth of pills 30 days? I’m just counting some out and want to make sure!

  5. TIL I will have to get an entirely different medication for my ADHD to travel to Japan. I’m so happy I learned this so far in advance.

  6. I found this really confusing too, so I sent an email to the MHLW (the emails are at the bottom of the page you linked). I listed the medications I’m on and asked if there was any paperwork required and/or if any of them were prohibited. I got a response pretty quickly to say that no paperwork was needed. That being said, I don’t fly out until next week so I’m hoping that the info in the email was correct and i’m not gonna face any issues bringing in my meds!

  7. yeah, i’m now on atenolol to control my heart rate (otherwise I go over 200 bpm just standing up and that shit hurts!) I gotta make sure I can bring that and apply for the narcotics import/export form again for my pain meds.

    I just wish it’d be easier to bring doctor prescriptions for a tourist at least >_<

  8. Anyone know if I need to do fill out something Olanzapine (antipsychotic) Mirtazapine (anti depressant)? Idk how to read the list properly, thank you

  9. > In addition, no product containing the designated pharmaceutical ingredients (see linked table)(57KB), which is sold in foreign countries/regions with advertisement on enhancing cerebral function and other mental effects, shall be imported, unless use of such a product is complying with doctor’s prescription or instruction. However, it would be permissible for foreign travelers to bring such a medicinal product into Japan by his/her self, in the purpose of self-medication during his/her stay.

    > Regardless of the description above, you cannot bring prohibited drugs and controlled drugs into Japan.

    So… we can or we can’t bring ADHD medication (specifically Vyvanse) from this description? Not even a little clear, seems to say both at the same time.

    If anyone gets a clear answer from the Japanese Embassies then please let us know!

    EDIT: The FAQ section [here](https://www.ncd.mhlw.go.jp/en/application2.html#list) clarifies:

    >Can I bring VYVANSE (*approved in the US, for ADHD treatment, also authorized in other countries named as ELVANSE, VENVANSE, ADUVANZ, TYVENSE, etc.) into Japan?
    Lisdexamfetamine, API of VYVANSE, is controlled as “Stimulants’ Raw Materials” under the Stimulants Control Act.
    You can import/export it into/from Japan, by getting an advanced permission.
    Please click here.

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