My neighbors dog barks for hours

I moved into new apartment in late January but was also gone for about three weeks. I’m under the impression my neighbors ( only other apartment on top floor) have a unregistered dog (they are allowed but after casually talking to my landlord once it sounds like he’s unaware of dog in that apartment) and it will bark for up to an hour when the owner leaves.
From my western perspective the whole situation seems questionable as I don’t ever hear that dog being walked but I can’t confirm 100%.

Normally I’d leave a note, I don’t want stress really but it’s inconsiderate af particularly because our landlord is so nice and allows pets. The least they could do if having an obnoxious and untrained barker at home is to pay the pet deposit… anyway I’m uncertain about if it’s to confrontational to leave a note but at the same time I don’t want to be an asshole and directly go to the landlord.

  1. I dont think you would be an assholr to speak to the landlord about it first. Maybe others have complained, and he’ll take action? I don’t think you should be the one to approach them but the landlord instead.

  2. > The least they could do if having an obnoxious and untrained barker at home is to pay the pet deposit

    TF does it matter to you? You sound like a real busybody

  3. >The least they could do if having an obnoxious and untrained barker at home is to pay the pet deposit…

    How do you know they didn’t pay the pet deposit??

  4. What time does this usually happen? If it’s not during the night then I don’t see why it’s a problem. The dog doesn’t like to be alone. What do you want the person to do about it?

  5. How does the pet deposit change anything? Pet deposits are just a scam for landlords anyway. I’ve been retroactively charged for a pet deposit before despite not having a pet at the time, those companies just want to drain tenants for all the money they have. It’s not like they do anything special with it.

  6. Confronting a neighbor over a noise problem is always a bad idea. Contact the building manager and ask them to deal with it. We have two noisy, mischievous terriers of our own and this neighborhood is full of noisy dogs. They are difficult for the owners to deal with, as well, so there probably isn’t much that can be done about it.

  7. A lot of dogs here never get walked. It blows my mind. Owners use in house dog toilets, like a litter box for a cat. I had a friend who would walk her dog every 3 days or so, once, and used the indoor dog toilet otherwise. When I had a dog at back home I walked her multiple times per day and would often take her to the forest during weekends to let her run and roll in the mud there (off lead was allowed there). My husband doesn’t want me to but I would walk our cat outside if he was ok with it (she can’t go outside alone because it’s not safe here with a busy road next to us). I think animals, just like humans, need time outdoors. Maybe the dog gets put in a crate when the owners leave? My friend rents a long stay air bnb place here that she shares with the owner and when the owner goes out she puts her poor shiba in a crate. We looked into reporting her for animal abuse but apparently this is allowed. You can complain to the landlord about it and maybe they will do something because of the noise but I think animal welfare isn’t really going to be a priority if the dog barks because it’s mistreated.

  8. I’m an animal lover. My whole life had every kind of pet in N. America. Your story is one of every city and town here.

  9. If pets are allowed, pets are allowed. It’s the same as if kids were being normal not-quiet kids.

    However, maybe the owner doesn’t know the dog barks so long. A suggestion, from personal experience: go to them to ask about the well-being of the dog, as a kind neighbor. You are worried about the poor thing, and maybe they just don’t know how lonely the dog might be.

    Never complain about the noise. But show concern for the dog. And be done. The dog’s life might get better, and you might notice less noise. Or not. But that’s about all you can do.

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