Am I allowed to ask a language question in here…😬

Just to clarify that I’m living and working in Tokyo.

Just at a bit of a stumbling block. Trying to explain what I did before I was in Japan and mostly I can do it でもI’m a bit stuck on this one.

Background, I’m working full time for a Japanese gymnastics academy. I spoke hardly any Japanese when I moved here a year ago and I’ve not been to language school – so I have to learn on the job.

I’m trying to say that I WAS self employed in England. But not sure how I’d say it. Would I just say


I realise this sounds like in England I worked as self employed – but yeah, totally stuck on this one. Thanks!

  1. イギリスに住んでいた時は個人事業主でした。

    It sounds more natural to use 個人事業主 than 自営業, but I guess じえいぎょうで○○○をしていましたalso sounds good too.

  2. Just want to add that (while not a substitute for a human-assisted translation) gets the job done much better than Google Translate. Worth a look, and good in a bind.

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