Sophia University Dorm Help

Hello, I am an exchange student who is supposed to go to Sophia University for the 2023-2024 academic year. Unless I get Sophia Aruppe Intl Residence or the new Dormy cafe share house I probably will be finding my own place through SakuraHouse, but I wanted to know a bit more about the Intl Aruppe residence.

I’ve heard there are strictish rules there, like no mixing men and women sections (which is what i expected tbh) and you have to be part of this dorm group that plans events. All of those rules are a bit annoying, but I’m willing to put up with them if I get to live in a dorm close campus. I’m more concerned about rules like curfews that will severely limit my freedom, like if I have to come home by 10PM (LOL) and if I dont give notice that Im not coming home then I could get yelled at. As someone who enjoys not living like im 10 years old under parental supervision, these types of rules would make living in the dorm a deal breaker but their website doesnt outline whether or not a curfew exists, so I was wondering if anyone who has experience with the Sophia dorms, specifically the Intl Aruppe one know if such rules exist?

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