Has anyone on here heard about this product? (newscan-swii®)


My Japanese partner has been seeing a “counselling session” which I thought was, well, an qctual counselling session.

But it turns out she’s been getting the “new scan” thing which looks like alternative medicine/woo nonsense to me.

I know she gets acupuncture and does Chinese medicine stuff, which isn’t my cup of tea but you know its her personal business and I let her do her own thing, but this new “bioresonance” stuff sounds completely off and super expensive.

Does anyone on here know anything about this? Is she being scammed?

  1. This reminds me of that test they give you at the Scientology booths.
    Your partner is being scammed. If there’s any positive effects from such a “service” they are entirely placebo.

    I’m not surprised this is a thing though, considering how popular those dumb magnet bracelets are.

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