Any recommendations for audio learning?

I’m somewhere between beginner and intermediate and I am looking for something I can throw on in the background while I work that I can study with. Either audiobooks or youtube videos or similar.

Any good quality materials you could recommend? Finding way too much useless stuff on youtube…

  1. Step 1: Learn basic sentence structure and be able to read hiragana and katakana.

    Step 2: Use a VPN and watch Abema or dTV for real Japanese conversations (not Anime).

  2. Unfortunately you won’t get much from background listening until you can pretty well understand the content when you’re giving it your full attention. By that point you don’t need recommendations: you know what’s interesting to you so listen to more of that.

    You’ll need to make serious time for listening practice for a while, and it’s hard to give a better general recommendation than the usual TV / movie / ゲーム実況 one.

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