How to learn kanji, genki user help

I know it’s 1 billion dollar question and it’s treated here for the same amount of time.

By the way i red most of comments and I’m still confused.

I’m a genki lover and user, for each chapter i try to remember everything, vocab exercise and so on, and so the kanji coming from the last pages of the book.

The problem is that my mind want to learn to write them, if i don’t know how to write them i feel like I missed a thing.
Learning how to write is requiring me a massive amount of time, and with this system i miss the srs part.

I’m on genki 2 and i don’t remember how to write each kanji from genki 1, i remember them how to spell and stuff but not writing anymore…

I tried wanikani but i gave up, i know my brain would work better with srs but i have adhd probably also autistic and im so anxious.

Do you have any advice to learn kanji? Any experience?

  1. I found it an issue to learn kanji from books…it works for some people, but at least for me it didn’t….I also tried wanikani and really hated it….in my case and without going too much into detail, I used iKanji (srs app for iOS)….to study all JLPT kanji. maybe it will also work for you

  2. Writing is one of those things, yeah it gets asked about a lot.

    It’s a thing a lot of people skip but it may depend on your goals.

    If you want to actually move to Japan and function as an independent adult, I know you guys typing at the computer don’t want to hear this but you will need to write occasionally (filling out forms and such).

    If you are OK with getting help from another person (perhaps a wife/husband?) every single time you need to fill out a form (bank, doctor’s office, whatever) then you can skip writing.

    I’m skipping it since I mostly want to learn how to read books in Japanese. But I would like to go back to it later.

    EDIT: do at least learn to write the kana though

  3. even tho you gave wanikani a shot, one way that i think might help would be reading basic Japanese news articles (eg. NHK easy news) or following Japanese social media accounts in topics you’re interested in.

    Since you’re in Genki 2, you can use this to recognize grammatical structure while identifying kanji that frequently pop up in your reading. Having a dictionary would help as you can learn new vocab words as well

    it’s not the easiest path imo as the learning curve would be pretty steep

  4. Not sure I understand what you mean. Do you mean you can recognize the kanjis when you see them, but would be unable to recall them ?

  5. On my flashcards (anki) I have the kanji with furigana for a while then after a while of getting familiar with the word I switch to just kanji and I make myself get the meaning and reading correct to pass the card.

    I also force myself to write the kanji during exercises on the workbook and allow myself to look them up if I don’t know them out of hand

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