Brewing in Japan

I am a professional brewer based out of Alaska. I used to live in Japan when I was much younger and fell in love with everything from the culture to the terrain, and just the lifestyle. My dream to open a brewery is reaching a point where I don’t want to wait much longer. I am wondering the viability and demand for craft beer in Japan. From what I am seeing there is definitely some demand but the process or immigrating and making it a possibility seems daunting. Wondering if there is anyone who lives in Japan that might be of some help? or have any opinion on the best steps to making this dream a reality?

1 comment
  1. There’s definitely a market for craft beer, though you would probably want to consult market research professionals before committing a ton of money to a company move.

    Because yeah, it’s gonna cost a boatload of cash. The only viable visa option for this would be the Business Manager Visa, which requires a ***minimum*** investment of 5 million yen (More if the business requires it to be viable) as well as a comprehensive business plan which describes your credentials, market plans (Again: Consult professionals), funding structure, and all the usual things a business plan requires. It will also need to answer the “why Japan?” question. “I love Japan” won’t be a sufficient answer, but “My market research shows there’s demand for my products in Japan” would be, assuming the market research actually says that.

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