This is a joke right? People don’t actually talk like this… Right?

アイ ラブ ベイコン。 イフ ユー ドント ライク ベイコン、 ウィー キャント ビー フレンズ。


  1. My Japanese friend and I used to speak like this sometimes on Line. But it was just to fool around.

  2. I’ve seen students write out the katakana pronunciation of every single English word for English speeches, and English songs at karaoke usually have katakana written above the words in this way.

  3. On a side note, I’d be surprised if even just the half of us can accurately spell out and understand what your “Japanese” sentence means.

  4. While there are a lot of English loanwords in Japanese, most of them can’t speak English that well. English has a lot of French, Latin, and Greek-derived words, but the chances you speak them are pretty low.

  5. For anyone else it says: “I love bacon, if you don’t like bacon we can’t be friends”. Took me some time lol

  6. You mean – do people have strong accents in Japan?

    Yes – some stronger than others, but yes.

  7. I know some people whose English pronunciation is remarkably close to this.

    It seems like there are some methods for teaching English in Japan that use approximate pronunciations like this.

  8. People from other native languages also have thick accents because they pronounce a lot of letters like in their native language. However, with Japanese it is arguably more noticeable and worse since katakana is a syllabary.

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