Is anyone elses utilities completely outrageous?

My electric and gas for this month were 1万5千円 each. That’s nearly triple what they were 2 or 3 months ago in the same home, being more conservative with the knowledge that prices were rising. This just seems like way too much of a price hike. I’m trying to call the gas and electric companies but I didn’t recieve an answer. What’s everyone elses situation like?

  1. How does it compare to the same period last year? I’m 40% less as I’m actively trying to use less.

  2. Before complaining check the rates, they are not hidden, including the fuel surcharge amount(ex: January []( )

    Also check on your invoice the usage month. For Tokyo gas for example my electric bill of February is for usage in DECEMBER. But gas is for usage in january. So this lag can affect your monthly bill too.

  3. Gf was at home all Jan and the bill was 25k. We didn’t use the heat once on Feb and the bill was still 17k. I know prices have gone up, but last summer my highest bill was 8k using AC a couple hours each night, several hours a day on the weekend. As far as I know units in my building are charged for only their use and not collectively as a building. Prices are ridiculous.

  4. Let me know when you’re on my level. The last three gas+electric bills for me have been 8万, 8万, and 7.4万.

  5. Congratulations. We have a celebration whenever our monthly electricity bill is below ¥30,000.

  6. My gas was 9k last month. Usually I pay around 4-5k. The only difference was drawing a bath just once (I usually just shower). So yeah idk.

  7. I just got my bill today, and it was 16k total (gas + electric). I live in a 44sqm 1LDK and run the ac heat on a low setting 24/7. Also a big fan of unreasonably long showers, and drying clothes with the shower dryer rather than outside.

    If you’re in Tokyo, look into using the Tokyo Gas combined service. I don’t know if it is actually cheaper than Tepco, but from what I’ve heard, it shouldn’t be worse.

  8. Rates have gone up over the last while (and may be going up again).

    We looked at our past bills and we used less electricity than the same month last year but are paying more.

  9. My electric was around ¥13,400 for 450 kWh. Check how much you used before you complain

  10. Yes, it has gone up like crazy. I used a lot of electricity (basically running one airconditioner 24/7) and then another from time to time. Dishwasher, drum-type washing machine,…
    Last was 25000. As for gas and water, a little bit more expensive but not that much.

    I think for electricity I believe if you use more than a certain amount they actually charge you more? It may be useful to revise your plan so the ‘tier’ you are using is actually the cheapest one.

  11. I actually see a substantial drop in unit price in February for similar usage level for some reason. I guess the subsidiaries finally kicked in Kyushu.

  12. Yup. My electric bill has tripled too. And I live alone in a 1K apartment, don’t own any electrical appliances apart from AC, and I’m conserving like crazy. This is just too much.

  13. Bloody hell that’s crazy. Why do things always seem to get worse and not better.

  14. Sounds about normal to me… slightly on the higher side, just like mid winter or mid summer tend to be.

  15. Same! around 1man yen for 1DK apartment that we didn’t even use the AC for some time since I was outside of Japan. Just crazy!!!

  16. The predicament is the rising cost of utilities based on opportunism regarding various embellishments by news outlets, as such colluding utility companies are using every instance to justify their insane periodical price hikes.

    Unless people rise up to the tyranny that is the utility companies, nothing will be done.

    Let them drain your finances. Utility companies aren’t honest, they aren’t the people. The closest personality you can attribute to companies is ‘sociopath’, the bottom line is to squeeze every last yen out of the consumer.

    Now that you know that, wake up folks!

    Now, if only my salary would triple every brief period…

  17. The odds of both the electricity and gas companies making mistakes at the same time and over charging you isn’t zero…but it’s fairly unlikely. More likely you are unfamiliar with your actual usage plus the rates you are now paying.

  18. Yes. Our gas and electricity have both gone up quite a bit. Both of them are the highest bills we’ve ever had. That’s without using the heater at all at night and switching it off in the day time. We got rid of our old fridge at the end of January so hopefully that has a bit of an effect on our usage. It’s a bit depressing really but the prices are also ludicrous in the Uk.

  19. Ours are about the same as they have been the past few years. But I don’t think Kyushu power have raised rates as much as some other power companies (I’m led to believe we have a lot of solar here – up to 20% of all supply at peak, which may help reduce power company fuel costs?)

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