Easiest way to travel across Japan without public transport or drivers license?

Hey guys, I don’t have Japanese drivers license but would love to travel long distance around the country and go to spots without public transport. I’ve been thinking about ways to go around the country easily. One of them was by using an (electric) bike. But it will probably be difficult to move it around the country as it won’t fit into trains. The best option I think is an E-scooter that is light enough to lift and fit in some sort of backpack. You also don’t need a drivers license for it up to max 20km an hour. What do you guys think? Any ideas?

  1. Are trains not public transport anymore? If you want to get around without public transport, a drivers license, or a bicycle then you better get those lallies moving.

  2. So no cars, no buses or trains, no renting a bike. Good luck with that. Get some good shoes

  3. A very surface level google search tells me most e-scooters have a max 2h ride time and take at least twice that to recharge. Doesn’t seem like a feasible way to travel any significant distance.

  4. Walk. Run to travel faster then walking pace.

    Buy a bike. Use to travel 4 hours, cry, throw in river, take trian home.

  5. Scooter without driving license and helmet starts from July 1st this year. And I do not think scooters compliant with rules are being sold yet. So I guess you will have to wait.

    Foldable electric bicycles, even smallest and lightest one, are pain in the ass to carry to the train. I would prefer sub-8k road bicycle instead, but even those will have limitations – you can not get into crowded trains and usually pick 1st or last car for riding.

  6. I don’t understand why wouldn’t you take public transport in a country where public transport is very extensive.

    >long distance around the country


    >E-scooter that is light enough to lift and fit in some sort of backpack


    >max 20km an hour

    Tokyo-Osaka *straight line* is 400km. Good luck, I guess?

  7. “輪行” is the major method in that case.Take the bike apart or put the folded bike in a bag and bring it to the train. It is convenient to buy a special bag.

  8. *”without public transport”*

    *”…it won’t fit into trains.”*

    Does not compute. *Abort. Retry. Fail?*

  9. Skateboard?

    I’d also second hitchhiking, as already mentioned.


    By ship? Cargo or otherwise…

  10. I drive a lot around Japan. I see a lot of hitchhikers. Go that route. But from what I’ve heard it’s a bit harder to get a ride if you don’t look Japanese.

  11. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how far you can get with public transport. Local bus firms run routes deep into the inaka. You might find yourself waiting a few hours for one to come along though. Where the bus routes run out, your best bet is probably just to go on foot. Even with a small folding bicycle or electric scooter you might find it more inconvenient to lug it about from town to town and then find a place to stow it when you are on foot over rough terrain than it would be to just plan on hiking all the time.

  12. If you can’t rent a car you’re basically screwed once the train tracks end. There is some charm to taking the local buses that only run twice a day, but it’s a helluva inconvenient way to travel.

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