Questions about cultural differences as a foreign student

For university I am planning to move to Japan next year (for around 6 years), and I have some personal concerns about cultural differences, and how they would affect my daily life as a student. (Also, I’ve never been in Japan, and even though I have done research, I might be misinformed/ask stupid questions, so please correct me if that’s the case)

1. The use of overly polite language.
I am Hungarian. What means that I am really blunt, and hate sugarcoating my language. But as far as I know, in Japan it is the exact opposite, due to politeness. Obviously, in professional settings I would comply as much as I can, but I’d like to know how important this type of language is in a personal setting. I’d like to make friends, and I don’t want to seem like an asshole, but I also don’t want to reform my personality to have a social life. Are younger Japanese people more used to foreigners being foreigners? How much would I need to adjust in order to not be seen as a complete asshole?

2. Racism/xenophobia.
Now, I am white, so there’s that, but as far as I know, there are several hardships a foreigner has to face because of xenophobia/racism. What are the most important things that I should expect?

3. Homophobia.
I am openly part of the LGBT community, and look-wise I am pretty androgynous. How open can I be about my queerness, to not be discriminated? How would an average Japanese uni student think/feel about this fact about me as my friend/schoolmate? Is it looked down upon in a professional setting, if it was found out?

4. Food.
I am vegetarian. How hard it is to find food without meat (fish and seafood included) there?

Thank you for the responses in advance, answers are appreciated both from a foreigner and a native!

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  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Questions about cultural differences as a foreign student**

    For university I am planning to move to Japan next year (for around 6 years), and I have some personal concerns about cultural differences, and how they would affect my daily life as a student. (Also, I’ve never been in Japan, and even though I have done research, I might be misinformed/ask stupid questions, so please correct me if that’s the case)

    1. The use of overly polite language
    I am Hungarian. What means that I am really blunt, and hate sugarcoating my language. But as far as I know, in Japan it is the exact opposite, due to politeness. Obviously, in professional settings I would comply as much as I can, but I’d like to know how important this type of language is in a personal setting. I’d like to make friends, and I don’t want to seem like an asshole, but I also don’t want to reform my personality to have a social life. Are younger Japanese people more used to foreigners being foreigners? How much would I need to adjust in order to not be seen as a complete asshole?

    2. Racism/xenophobia
    Now, I am white, so there’s that, but as far as I know, there are several hardships a foreigner has to face because of xenophobia/racism. What are the most important things that I should expect?

    3. Homophobia
    I am openly part of the LGBT community, and look-wise I am pretty androgynous. How open can I be about my queerness, to not be discriminated? How would an average Japanese uni student think/feel about this fact about me as my friend/schoolmate? Is it looked down upon in a professional setting, if it was found out?

    4. Food
    I am vegetarian. How hard it is to find food without meat (fish and seafood included) there?

    Thank you for the responses in advance, answers are appreciated both from a foreigner and a native!

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