Where can I find this in Japan ? Planing to travel there and heard it is way cheaper less than $1

Where can I find this in Japan ? Planing to travel there and heard it is way cheaper less than $1

  1. I believe that is furikake, I’m not sure about that exact brand but I think you can find that in any grocery store

  2. Had to check the bag in my cupboard but definitely a specialty furikake. I got mine in the arashiyama district of Kyoto.

  3. This kind of furikake is common. Even other brands will be widely available! It’s rayu furikake. Check any larger supermarkets you might come across. My local Ozeki has it! It’s a chain in Tokyo so if you’re in Tokyo maybe try there at first if it’s convenient

  4. That stuff is about $15 from vendors plus shipping and $34 on Amazon. Dang.

  5. The main store is located on Sanneizaka (the approach to Kiyomizu-dera Temple), and there are also stores in Kyoto Tower, Nishiki Market, Fushimi Inari, and Arashiyama. There is also an online shopping site, but they do not seem to ship overseas. Also, the list price is 594 yen per bag, and it is unlikely that you can buy them for less than $1.


  6. I was just in Japan for my honeymoon 2 weeks ago and everything was cheaper in my eyes – compared to here in America (both with the crap inflation here and with the dollar is stronger in Japan so that helps).

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