Sushi Saturday (5th time at this Alabama joint)

Sushi Saturday (5th time at this Alabama joint)

  1. Dam that sauce..
    I like the little cucumber pods for wasabi and ginger.
    Edit: could you even taste anything other than mayo on the deep fried rolls?

  2. I don’t know why this is getting upvoted so much…this sushi looks terrible. Nine pounds of sauce, old-looking fish, sloppy cuts, more than double the amount of cream cheese as other ingredients. That “seared” salmon looks fully cooked through in some places, nearly raw in others.

    I’m genuinely curious – for those of you upvoting, why?

  3. I had sushi last night that looked exactly like yours, completely drowning in sauce. I’m really more of a wasabi and soy sauce guy so I was pretty disappointed.

  4. I live in AL. Where is this place? Montgomery has a buffet place that’s good. So does Pratville. There’s another place in Enterprise that has good sushi place too.

  5. That’s disgusting. It looks like there is cheap barbecue sauce and mustard on the sushi.

    This is a crime against sushi

  6. Call me a prude or a purist, but I only like nigiri and sashimi, with soy sauce and wasabi.

    The various sauces other stuff have no appeal to me. At what point does this become processed food instead of sushi?

    Just asking. Not condemning or looking for an argument.

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