Resuming my Japanese learning

After studying for 5 years, then living and working in Japan for a year, I slacked off and dropped my Japanese learning thanks to the stupid covid pandemic. I haven’t done any formal studying for a few years, but I figure it’s like riding a bike (it should come back)

I’ve completed みんなの日本語 (red and blue), and 中級へ行こう(pink and orange). I’ve lost some vocab and grammar, although I tend to recognize the words when I see them.
Are there any recommendations of other resources?

  1. If you’re already at that point I’d say do a quick once through of your textbooks as a refresher then just start working through reading something that you enjoy, doesn’t really matter what. Look up words/kanji/grammar as you come across things you don’t understand and add them to an Anki deck or something if you feel like doing SRS.

    If you want resource recommendations, these are pretty much everything I use for various kanji/vocab/grammar lookups/card creation and I’m happy with them: Yomichan+Anki, Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, Dictionary(s) of _ Japanese Grammar,,,

  2. i’d just plow thru everything you learned already, at whatever fast pace you end up naturally following, taking time to smell the roses when you hit something, and just work to the end of where you left off. then pick up whatever the next thing is in line, as though you had never quit. that’s what i did when i came back to japanese after a 20 year hiatus. blew thru genki 1 and 2 in a week or two and was right back up to where i left off.

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