Weekly Complaint Thread – 16 March 2023

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. With the new government classifications of Corona, my company ended WFH with no warning this week. Talking to friends a lot of their companies have at least announced they will end it by May. I work in the tech industry with little to no reason to ever really be in the office.

    My life has been improved dramatically by the balance I get from WFH. If my company wont provide that kind of environment, then I’m out.

    But honestly, I don’t want to look for a job either. My company and pay is actually pretty good, outside of this sudden change in zaitaku policy. And if other companies are going to stop offering remote work, there may be no realistic place for me to go either way.

    But even my Japanese co-workers are super pissed off and also saying they will quit, so I’m holding out some small hope that there will be enough of a shakeup that the bozos at the top reconsider their thinking on this.

  2. North Korea’s ongoing bombardment of the Sea of Japan. Maybe one day someone will break the news to them that no matter how many missiles they fire at it, it isn’t going away.

  3. Why is it considered rude to blow your nose or sneeze in public, yet it’s totally fine for men to suck up all the mucus from the back of their throats as loudly as possible 🙄

  4. The other week I complained that my Pathfinder game was stalling because of players being lethargic as hell about actually making them. Some comments were right, one player dropped out because they just had no interest in the game (that they asked to join in the first place, but I digress). Luckily the others have shown more interest after a session 0 explaining more of how Pathfinder actually works so that’s a plus. I’ve also got a potential new player in my sister’s friend, but he’s also super duper slow about giving any information despite asking to play. Apparently that’s just how he is in general. I’m hoping he’ll be a good fit and, you know, follow through with his request to join. I don’t think Abomination Vaults with only three PCs will go very well for the others if he doesn’t, especially when two of the three are super squishy and were kind of relying on the Never-Even-Named-and-Now-Dropped-Champion character to be one of the party tanks.

  5. 1. They removed Bob’s Burgers from Disney+. Not so much a big deal for me as I mostly stream “through other means”, but my gf loves it and uses the Japanese subtitles. I can’t find a site that has subs.

    2. Drug Mori has removed Big Black Thunder :'(. First it was 7-11 that took it off the shelf a year ago, now Mori. That was the last place I could find them. I’d rather not buy through Amazon because I know I don’t have the self control to not devour them in two days.

  6. I got to witness a young office worker shoulder checking a high school girl during rush hour at a Yamanote Line station a few days ago. He let out one of those horribly nasty laughs as he immersed himself into the throng of people moving in the opposite direction.

    I only got a glance at him, but he was one of those guys with the earbuds that I see walking around in their own little world. There’s a lot less respect and courtesy in Tokyo these days, and it’s often these kind of guys who appear to not give a stuff about anyone else around them. It’s disturbing to see.

  7. I haven’t had a good night of sleep in months, and it is clearly affecting my mood and appearance. To the left of me is a college student who talks on the phone *every single night* without fail until around 4AM. To the right of me the tenants seem to rotate rather quickly, but they usually seem to be middle aged men who have the absolute worst snoring problem. The walls that separate the rooms may as well be cardboard cause all noises travel quite easily. I’m tired.

  8. 7-11’s うま辛チリ味 chips are my end of the day guilty pleasure. I buy a bag to enjoy on my drive home. But why are they so hard to open from the top?! I don’t want to tear the whole bag down the side. Driving and eating a bag of chips should not be this difficult!

  9. USJ’s Fast Pass system is great for people like me who no longer have the desire to wait 3 hours for a ride (I’m looking at you Flying Dinosaur), but scheduling rides is a pain.

    I bought the Express Pass 4 (Mario, Harry Potter, new Doraemon ride, and choice of Spider-Man or Jaws). Everything is scheduled. Once you choose the time slot for the first ride, the site fills in the rest of the ride times for you. I get this is to control crowding for Marioland and Potterland but the way the website does this is crazy.

    Additionally, I also want to enjoy the Conan restaurant (reservation required with specific time slot) and have a train to catch at 8pm. Took me a couple hours to play around with the time slots but got it just right.

    BTW, here’s a breakdown of the price:
    1.5 day Entry ticket : ¥15400
    Express pass (during Golden Week) : ¥12800
    Conan restaurant : ¥6000
    (Add ¥10000 for food and souvenirs)
    (I’m not rich but when I visit any theme parks I’m getting a fast pass.)

  10. I’m tired of “you can do everything right and still lose” being applied to my life on a regular basis. I’m never good enough to maintain anything good. It always slips away because it wants more than I can give.

  11. I really admire Japanese people for being able to live and sleep through just about anything. Sound proofing? Who needs it? Decent sized bedrooms? Nah.

    I, however, was raised in the Inaka – a real one, not like a town of 800,000 – and do like some quiet. Please can be sound proof things a bit better.

  12. Motherfuckers doing roadwork outside my house at 10pm, with floodlights that could light a small soccer field.

  13. Rocked up to work and was told I had the day off. It’s great to get the exercise in but still. Also moving to Osaka next month and trying to sort housing out is a wee bit of stress.

    Edit: also half the rigs we are looking at don’t come with lights. Ok no washer or curtains I get but lights? Come on now.

  14. I’ve gotten used to all the scheduling required just for meeting up with people here now, but there’s this one guy I know who keeps inviting me for shit I don’t really want to do in the first place and never has any time himself. I mean I don’t mind if you’re busy, but I’m getting sick of going back and forth over the course of days when the inevitable conclusion is that you only have like one hour open somewhere in a month’s time.

  15. The weather has largely been far too nice to be inside.

    My old Garmin finally became useless for the heart rate function (which my doctor wants me to keep an eye on). Bought another smartwatch after some research.

    My tablet also died (won’t charge anymore) and my linux install on my media PC shat itself. I also had to factory reset my phone because something broke horribly. It’s been a bad two weeks for my electronics :/

  16. Went to the 神奈川県警本部 last week to get my criminal record for Japan, it’s an hour train ride there. Submitted my form, did my finger prints, great.

    Oh… gotta go back and pick it up a week later (today). Like…why can’t you mail them….? Now I gotta drag my teething fussy baby all the way there again?

    My Canadian criminal record check was started in Japan, then I sent it to Canada, and they sent back here with no problems at all…come on.

  17. Monday brought a sudden and strong onslaught of either an allergy or a stealth cold (but not COVID-19, according to a test) that’s got me fearing to stray far from the tissue box.

    I haven’t set foot outside without a mask since March 20, 2020 and always wash my hands after going more than 100 meters from home; no one else in the household is sick, either; I’ve got no fever. I’ve resorted to antihistamines for the first time in years, as, should I not use them, my keyboard’d be covered with snot.

  18. My old, twice-handed-down phone is starting to finally get comfortable in the grave, the battery isn’t lasting for shit. A decent Redmi looks like it’s going for 1万, but I’m gonna be moving soon and would rather not spend a cent that I don’t have to right now.

  19. I think I just lost some of my hearing in my right ear due to the Sonic boom of a jii san sneeze.

    Also nervous about an in person interview tomorrow.

  20. 1- heaters are on in the office. Outside is weather perfection.

    2 – Had a stomach issue for a few days. Happened after eating a convenience store fried chicken.

    3 – To go along with 2, my lack of sleep caught up with me on the weekend. Was a little rough.

    4 – wife was down in the dumps because her family thinks she is super strict with what our toddler can and cannot eat. Sorry, darling but “super strict” is being kind. Relax a little. (fwiw I agree with her motives but no her execution)

  21. Maybe it’s just the rose tinted glasses or I’m just getting old but I swear it felt like people on the streets in general smiled more, or at the least projected happiness or contentedness . I still like to do a lot of people watching but I’m totally over seeing the current pandemic of overly fashionable people with aloof expressions absolutely everywhere.

    Or maybe I’m just projecting, who knows.

  22. Had my first experience of あおり運転 this morning. Super inaka road, traffic light with left lane left turnonly, and right lane is straight or right turn. Guy in the left lane pulls ahead and in front of me in the forward lane, proceeds to randomly change speeds and brake checks me twice over the next 10km. Absolute fuckhead. Finally pulled the trigger on a dashcam after getting to work.

  23. Amazon JP doesn’t have the stuff I wanna get but of course using the American Amazon makes import fees super freaking high. Boo. My friend offered for me to send to her on base for less and it would help but since her kids have been getting sick easily it’s hard to coordinate when to get stuff.

  24. Another one. I hate it when people use japan post on Mercari. Japan post takes two or three times as long as dropping off the package at a conbini

  25. This is my last month of work and I still haven’t found a new job.

    My thrombosed hemorrhoid burst this morning and now I’ll probably need new sheets.

    I stubbed my toe while getting in the bath to clean up.

    I’m now getting ready to go to work with a pile of toilet paper shoved up my ass cause I can’t miss today.

    It’s only up from here!

  26. Recipient様




    Note to self: Remember to write your message before hitting send.

  27. Gotta continue wearing a mask when teaching, but the students don’t need to… makes literally zero sense. Also, just discovered mold building up on the wallpaper behind the bed,a it has started peeling off. Don’t know if I should talk to the building manager or just fix it myself :S

  28. I’m starting to get frustrated with the 焼肉 chain restaurant that I work at. I remember posting here when I started working at the restaurant that someone mentioned that 焼肉 restaurants are notoriously difficult and it has definitely been as difficult as I was warned about.

    However, what’s been even more frustrating than the work itself is how short-staffed we are. I heard from another manager that the pay is minimum wage in Osaka, which explains why it has been difficult to attract part-time workers and even the ones that are already working have been reluctant to cooperate in terms of coming in.

    In addition, the company has a 合同会議 that all 社員 must participate in every month that starts at 7:30 AM, even if we worked until late at night the night before. This time, it’s taking place at the 本店 so I will have to stay at a nearby 快活クラブ so that I can attend. Finally, there are cleaning tasks that we have to perform and show pictures of us performing them on Line to the company leaders or else some of our pay will be deducted.

    I was never planning on staying for that long and I’m hoping to move on within the next 2-3 years but I just wanted to get that off my chest since I’ve felt that I got myself into a ブラック企業.

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