Appointments and time off

So I booked a vacation for this summer that takes up all of what’s left of my PTO. Cue convenient health problems and I may need to take time off for appointments and tests, but of course, the vacation is all paid for and I really still want to go (health issues manageable for travel if they don’t get solved by then). I’m looking for appointments that are after hours (I get off at 5) but so far it seems like I’ll probably need to take time off for some of them. Are there places where you can get seen off regular work hours? And do they have unpaid time off here, and/or can the social health insurance thing (I’m very new here so I’m not well-versed in how that works) to cover these days without eating into vacation time? All my leave gets reset later this year but due to events the vacation had to happen before that. This is giving me a lot of anxiety (which I probably need to be seen for that, too) since the vacation kind of a huge deal, as it is something I’ve been looking forward to for years and I’ve been saving up forever for it.

  1. >Are there places where you can get seen off regular work hours? And do they have unpaid time off here

    I mean, with such a vague question, who knows? Some dentists are open until 9 pm, some ENTs until 8, some internal medicine doctors close at 4:30. If you need surgery, there’s no avoiding a weekday morning appointment etc.

    No one can tell you what you want to know.


    Also, unpaid days off do exist, but most offices are very reluctant to give it to you. Work on a weekend or something to get some daikyu.

  2. Unpaid time off is a thing here. Companies often have minimum attendance you need to meet until it starts affecting your evaluation, this should be clearly stated in your company rule handbook. As long as you get permission from your manager it should not be a problem.

    Insurance doesn’t really cover absences due to appointments. Usually you need to be absent for 4 days or more due to medical emergencies and have a written note from your doctor before you can try to claim 60% of your salary as insurance payout.

    There are also plenty of clinics that do appointments until 7 or 8pm, or do appointments on weekends. I recommend you shop around and also take online reviews into consideration.

  3. It probably just depends on your employer or your boss. I’m pretty flexible when it comes to letting my staff take time off if they need it for personal issues. Maybe just explain your situation to your boss and ask them.

  4. Are you working under the flex system?
    Even if you aren’t, you could ask your manager if you could leave early on one day and make up for the lost time on another day.

  5. A lot of place are open saturday mornings. You need to go in first thing in the morning to avoid a long wait.

    If you can find a place that’s very close to your workplace, making a reservation and going at lunch is also an option(but you need to make sure reservations are actually meaningful there… I’ve gone with a reservation and waited an hour at some doctors)

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