Change jobs during naturalization process to increase salary or wait with a smaller pay bump at my current company?

I just received a job offer today that effectively doubles my base salary. I’m also due for a raise at my current company in April which will bring my compensation to around 25% less than the new offer.

I’d ordinarily take the new offer because it’s at a rather stable company (plus, in fintech which I’m interested in) with higher pay. However, given that there are layoffs all over the place, is it a good idea now?

I’m worried about being laid off and messing up the naturalization process. I’m guessing it’ll take around 8-10 more months for it to go through.

  1. In japan being laid off is highly unlikely from what I’m told by coworkers.

  2. So you’ll be going to a gaishikei judging from your salary increase? Layoff do happens here, especially in gaishikei. Check out what they’re doing at Google Japan on the news, the employee are forming union to combat the layoff that is happening in Japan right now.

    However layoff is pretty much out of your control. If it happens then it happens. At least you will get severance package, and you can concentrate in your next job search. Your double salary worths way more in the mean time. I say go for it.

    FYI, I’m also at a gaishikei, and I just try to keep updating my skills so if anything ought to happen I’m prepared to sell my skills to other companies.

    For your naturalization, just make sure to inform them. Heck, I changed job during my PR process. But I just sent a letter to the immigration informing this, and I still got my PR in the end.

  3. Layoffs aren’t lightning strikes, they are targeted at underperforming/unprofitable departments and projects. If this is a stable company I would go for it. Especially if it’s adding headcount instead of backfill – did you ask during the interviews?

  4. Go to the new job and enjoy the new salary there is no point staying with previous employer. Sounds like they can’t afford you any more.
    and don’t worry about the layoffs, it can happen even at your old place.

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