Borderlink making a fool of everyone by doing these stupid formalities lol. Why are they even bothering with these 13 minutes interviews with everyone where they just hurry up everything and don’t even ask for a demo?

Borderlink making a fool of everyone by doing these stupid formalities lol. Why are they even bothering with these 13 minutes interviews with everyone where they just hurry up everything and don’t even ask for a demo?

  1. Honestly, if you failed the interview, it shows that you aren’t a good fit to be an ALT.

    Years ago I interviewed a candidate for a job who tried to be “friendly” right away by making some racists jokes.

    I’ve seen candidates who just obviously didn’t care about teaching and wanted a vacation in Japan. No attempt to even pretend to care.

  2. How is this strange? A big company has a lot of applicants, they filled up the quota but still have many promised interviews. So do a quick interview, take note of possible candidates if any current teacher bails and finish it quick.

    Seems cut and dry.

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