want to learn japanese, but i have no idea where i’m supposed to start

i’ve been wanting to learn japanese for a while, but i always give up because i’m not sure how accurate the things i’m using really are. i don’t know anything about japanese, like 0%. i’m a total beginner and not sure where to start. i don’t know what to use and i don’t know what ways i gotta study it

  1. I just started too, but I think you should start by learning the Hiragana and Katakana and their sounds, which is what I’ve been doing.

  2. I’d recommend checking something like Tae Kim’s guide or renshuu, the guide introduces grammar and lots of people like it and on renshuu you can find like a special learning schedule/path, some grammar, some vocab if you don’t know what to do.

  3. I know I’ll get downvoted for this but it needs to be said. Read the 500 other posts asking the exact same question. I hate to put it this way, but with this little effort you’re probably going to fail.

  4. Would you be up for getting lessons? Thats the best way because a teacher is kindof like a way to ensure you keep up the pace. Start with katakana, hiragana, basic kanji, and beginner grammer. I used Minna No Nihongo when I started. Start learning Kanji early. And consistency is very important. Also… if you want to study it, don’t hesitate. Just dive in. Just go for it.

    Please don’t be offended when I say this… but….. if I knew the hard work and time it would have taken back when I started to study it, I wouldn’t have started. Now I’m JLPT3 level. So if I quit I feel like it’s a waste. But at the same time studying takes up so much spare time! I sacrificed other hobbies for this one. So be very careful with continuing. Studying Japanese is a VERY time consuming endeavour. And on top of that, when you do spend time studying it, it can be very frustrating because it takes very very long before you can use Japanese outside of a textbook.

  5. I would say if you feel that lost, find a school in your area – ?

    If you cannot afford a school or there are none and you have zero knowledge, NHK WORLD JAPAN provides Japanese lessons. You can find the website on the internet. Their lessons are really basic and mostly for speaking. They are not perfect, but they are a start and may be helpful in kind of guiding where to go next (acc to your needs).

    Learning a language by yourself is really tough. It requires a lot of discipline, organization skills and commitment. Of course it is not impossible, just hard. Later on I recommend a teacher or a senpai bc you need a reference to help you with mistakes and misconceptions about the language (very common in the learning process).

    Good luck

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