Tipps for a beginer

I only did the duoling lessons for about a year now and dont think i get anywhere so do you guys have any recommendations for a bloody beginner like me

1 comment
  1. I’ll skip the methods and resources part since I’m very positive someone else will leave a comment directing you to the subreddit wiki, theMoeWay, etc. They are all great.

    Jumping straight to “keep yourself accountable” and “get enough practice”, assuming someone already told you about study methods and what book/apps to use. I’m assuming you don’t have natives in your area…that makes two of us. Discord and Meetup are great places to find native people to practice with.


    EJLX: Link copied from subreddit wiki.

    * [https://discord.gg/8bEevDY](https://discord.gg/8bEevDY)
    * Highlights: very activ all the time, natives show up in vc daily.

    Study Group:

    * [https://discord.gg/cDzdxJX4](https://discord.gg/cDzdxJX4)
    * Highlights: events scheduled such as Reading, Pronunciation, and Writing.


    * [https://discord.gg/jpacademy](https://discord.gg/jpacademy)
    * Highlights: you can join the “junior study group” where you will keep a log of your daily progress. Their vc is somewhat active sporadically.



    There are two types of groups. One is free conversation of language exchanges with the natives, another is study/lessons with peers. Many of the native members are retired so you’ll see them across the board in many similar groups and events branded “English conversation” “Exchange”.

    * Converse with Natives: [https://www.meetup.com/jaexchangepaloalto/](https://www.meetup.com/jaexchangepaloalto/)
    * Learning with Peers: [https://www.meetup.com/twin-cities-japanese-conversation-meetup/](https://www.meetup.com/twin-cities-japanese-conversation-meetup/) (you can check out their vibe by the quiz bowl video on their group HP)


    **VR chat**



    I’ll recommend this guy’s YT channel. [https://www.youtube.com/@yudaisensei2020](https://www.youtube.com/@yudaisensei2020)

    You can find the link of his Discord server on the “About” page; in general, I’ve found his videos are very informative about pronunciations and all the pitfalls not addressed elsewhere.


    Hope this helps, thanks!

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