Honestly, these 0% lemon sour chu-hai are delicious

I needed some non-alcoholic options for an upcoming party, and in addition to the usual soft drinks, I got some alcohol-free beers (which I’m also a fan of, by the way) and some of the 0% cans of lemon sour, and I have to say, I really like the lemon sour!

Now, I’ll give the 0% beers more credit for tasking realistic, in that I don’t feel like I can taste the lack of alcohol in them. But even if I do taste the lack of alcohol, the lemon sour is still legitimately delicious, a very crisp lemonade with a more complex flavor than you’d normally get from a soft drink.

At just 35 calories per can, I don’t feel too guilty drinking one either–it’s about 6 grams of sugar, and I could demolish a 6 pack of these for the calories and sugar of a single coca-cola.

I’m not sure I’m going to drink them all the time–even if they’re alcohol-free, you’re paying a bit of a premium over other soft drinks because of the “pseudo-alcohol” nature of them. But I genuinely enjoyed it, and I’m going to keep them in mind as a nice early/late-summer option for drinking on the patio.

  1. > At just 35 calories per can

    Pretty sure that’s 35kcal per 100ml. So you’re looking at more like 130kcal per can.

  2. My kids found this lemon chuhi that’s 10% real lemon juice, only 5% alcohol, and fucking amazing. It’s like a lemon fizz. I bought a case of them.

  3. I can strongly recommend Suntory’s 「のんある気分」 no-alcohol no-calorie series as being good-tasting beverages. All the big alcohol makers have their own series, but I’ve found the others to be undrinkably bad. Like, literally, throw away the remainder of the case because I couldn’t drink it.

    Amazon tells me that I’ve bought 41 of [the flavor-variety cases](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01KLQBX1W) of the Suntory series over the years; I have four cases delivered automatically each month.

  4. I like the Suntory ones but I don’t like the Coca-Cola ones.

    The Coca-Cola 0% sour has juniper berries in it, I guess to give it a gin-like flavor, and I don’t like that.

  5. I highly recommend a mix of 50%non-alcoholレモン堂 and 50% Suntory All Free. Tastes like a nice summer IPA.

  6. If you need non-alcoholic drinks you might try making your own. Tansan and whatever fruit/fruit juice makes a less expensive drink that is more memorable and less calories. You can have a bottle of gum syrup if your guests want it sweeter.

  7. I love the white Beery (0.5% alcohol) but most stores only sell the black ones, like why??

  8. I like the beery IPA. It’s not actually alcohol free, but .5%. looking for alcohol free ish drinks though, this tasted reasonably well to me.

    Unfortunately, for a limited time only being produced because of course, Japan. So, anything you like will be gone in a few months. :/

  9. In the non-al beers Aeon carry the Clausthaller and Hoegarden ones and they’re legit delicious – the Hoegarden is German weissbier style. To my taste pretty much all the J ones stink next to these 2.

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