Internet Provider Option for Tokyo

Hi Everyone,

So I’m moving real soon to a new apato and I need to set up my internet. I use wifi for my phone and laptop but mainly use lan for my pc. Is there any suggestions for the provider in tokyo in term of price and value it offers? I also heard that my building is using ntt fiber.


  1. cheapest/easiest to setup and supports both english and japanese: asahi-net

    anything else slightly more expensive than asahi-net and japanese only: OCN, Biglobe, various random providers.

    Have you already seen this ?

    Whatever provider you choose, should offer ipv6 option, and you should make use of it with domestic router. Then it doesn’t really matter who the provider is. Note that not all routers will support asahi-net’s IPv6 stuff out of the box. In this case you might want to choose OCN or someone else.

  2. The cheapest and easiest to set up (if you have basic Japanese skills) is [*BB excite MEC 光*]( (hikari) which is native IPv6 with Transix-based DS Lite.

    1. Installation/construction costs: free
    2. Monthly fee: mansion ¥3355, house ¥4428
    3. No cancellation fee, no fixed contract, can cancel anytime

    For comparison, Asahi Net charges up to ¥16,500/19,800 for construction and costs ¥4455 (house ¥7128) every month, additional fees for cancellation out of the fixed term might apply.

  3. Recently switched to Starlink and super happy with it. I caught a very good deal. Not sure if it’s still on about 6000 yen a month and half price on the router / Antenna

  4. Obligatory Nuro Hikari recommendation. I’ve been using them for nearly 3 years, no complaints, you can apply entirely online with Google translate. There might be a phone call for construction, but basic Japanese will usually work. If there’s already a fiber line, in my experience, they will just run theirs alongside.

    2gbps/1gbps, router only supports 1/1 though. 5456¥per month after introductory offers end. They have an “always on” cash back of 42,000¥, or currently, they seem to be giving away PS5’s. There’s usually a bunch of offers with them. Nuro belongs to Sony, FYI.

    They also have restarted Nuro mobile, you get a slight discount if you combine the services. They piggyback off softbank/docomo/au networks, with a variety of offers available. And IIRC, in Tokyo they can also do electric.

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