[Omakase] Sushi Yasuda

[Omakase] Sushi Yasuda

  1. Sushi Yasuda

    1. Sea bream
    2. Yellowtail
    3. Hotate
    4. Akami
    5. Unagi
    6. Aji
    7. Salmon
    8. Toro
    9. King salmon
    10. Oyster
    11. Uni
    12. Ikura
    13. Botan ebi
    14. Sea perch
    15. Kimmedai
    16. Botan ebi head
    17. Cherry stone clam
    18. Seared toro
    19. Sardine
    20. Yellowtail belly
    21. Artic char
    22. Tamago
    23. Hojicha

    Sushi Yasuda was very underwhelming for $270 to be honest. While nothing was bad, there wasn’t anything particularly good either. When getting omakase, it’s really nice when chefs interact with you and tell you about the fish you’re eating but unfortunately this interaction wasn’t there when I was at Yasuda and they were really speeding through giving me each piece 🙁 I’ll be back next week with more omakase!

  2. I like Yasuda but it’s very sterile and honestly, a little dated. But great quality and the chefs are technically proficient.

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