Confused on confliction between hustle culture and zen buddhism

Im from north america, never been to japan so my knowledge is very limited. But to my understanding japan has a very hardcore hustle/“on the go” business culture, working long hours, typically devoting themselves to a company for life.

But at the same time, this conflicts with my understanding of zen buddhism and other slow “beauty in simplicity” type philosophies that have come from japan. I know apart of these philosophies are mastery of craft, like becoming the best chef or sport player for example. So maybe japanese hustle culture stems from that? But i feel like im missing something. Whats the point of having the best ramen chef in your neighborhood, but you are too busy practicing to become the best soccer player to even notice that.

Im sure there are some nuances im missing, but please leave your opinion so i have a better understanding 🙂

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