Student COE visa – timeline confusion

Hello everyone,
I have a quick question regarding the COE application. Maybe someone had a similar problem.
I am at my 3rd year of Bachelor’s and I will be starting my 1st year of Master’s in Japan this fall (student exchange)
I am stuck on the second page of the COE- whether I should mark I am currently enrolled in Bachelors (graduating this June) or Masters (I will be enrolled in the Japanese university from September)
As I am going to do masters there I assumed I should mark “master’s”, but the word “current” threw me off. I mean my current enrolment would be masters when I’m there right? Not my current current enrolment, which is bachelors (until June)
Please help me🙏
Edit: I mean the following question on the COE application⬇️
“Education (last school or institution) or present school
Check your most recent/current undergraduate or posgraduate enrolment.”

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Student COE visa – timeline confusion**

    Hello everyone,
    I have a quick question regarding the COE application. Maybe someone had a similar problem.
    I am at my 3rd year of Bachelor’s and I will be starting my 1st year of Master’s in Japan this fall (student exchange)
    I am stuck on the second page of the COE- whether I should mark I am currently enrolled in Bachelors (graduating this June) or Masters (I will be enrolled in the Japanese university from September)
    As I am going to do masters there I assumed I should mark “master’s”, but the word “current” threw me off. I mean my current enrolment would be masters when I’m there right? Not my current current enrolment, which is bachelors (until June)
    Please help me🙏

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  2. Hello forms can be a bummer. “current” = I am at my 3rd year of Bachelor’s. Asking your situation at this point in which you are still Bachelor’s. Good luck and i hope it works out for you.

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