What’s your favourite ride/s at Fuji Q?

I would love to know everyone’s thoughts, so I can live my dream through your answers lol.. as I originally had planned to go to Fuji Q in February for my birthday. But seeing as Covid ruined those plans.. guess I’ll be going in April or later (depending on when they open the border to Australians for holiday travel) 😔

Edit: oh and does anyone recommend the tour guide walk through Aokigahara (suicide forest) ?

  1. The one that shoots you off really quick was crazy, almost too many g’s for me.

    Loved Aokigahara, no guide is needed. Even when going off path, there are many strings to follow. About half way through there is a closed off path, recommend taking it. Also the cave attraction there wasn’t worth it.

  2. I only rode the coasters, and I enjoyed all of them for their own reasons…but if I had to pick one, it would have to be Eejanaika. I get chills just thinking about it. That first drop is worth a trip to Japan alone.

  3. Eejanaika, Fujiyama, Dodopona, Takabishi in that order. The haunted house is also great, and so is the circle ride near the pizza la

  4. I’m a roller coaster person, so I’d recommend all of those. I really liked Fujiyama (tallest in the park) and Do-Dodonpa, the fastest one.

  5. Eejanaika was my favorite, hands down. Seconded by Dododonpa. Fujiyama was great too, but i liked the others more. Takabisha was *very* rough when I rode it and I did not enjoy my time.

    Don’t skip tentekomei, it was my favorite non coaster in the park and a wild ride. It was walk on a d I rode it like 6 or 7 times.

    There’s also a “Fuji airlines” ride that’s kind of like the Soarin ride at Epcot except around Fuji that was neat.

    Hardly anyone was on that ride, I think because it was kind of out of the way.

  6. My god that place is the absolute best!! It has the 3 most insane roller coasters I’ve ever been on and a huge area dedicated to just toy vending machines… such a great place 🙂

  7. This place has some great coasters but is by far the worst managed park I have ever been to. The lines are short in length but take excruciatingly long to get through. Make sure you listen when they tell you to take all the shit out of your pockets. Even a couple yen notes will hold the ride up for everyone. 2 sprinkles of rain? Everything outdoors is closed.

    On the flip side, the coasters are pretty great. They have a swing ride that is pretty fast that is neat if you’re into that kind of thing. Also, the haunted hospital is the most amazing haunted attraction I’ve ever seen and made the visit completely worth it. I waited 2.5 hours for the hospital and can say that it was 100% worth that wait. I want to go back just because of the hospital.

  8. Fujiyama is the best!! It’s one of those really large and really long old-fashioned coasters that feel a bit rickety and where you just raise your hands in pure joy at the thrill of the ride, at least that was my experience. The day I went, it was closed for most of the day due to the wind being too strong, but when it opened, people literally ran towards it. Super worth it.

    Eejanaika was a close second, and I credit it for making me feel for the first time true terror that I might die on a ride. I comforted myself by thinking this was Japan and they have good engineering and good construction, while screaming my head off. But goddamn those flips!!!

    Takabisha was fun for that moment of tension of you hanging almost upside down, but it passed too quickly. I also rode Dodonpa but it was underwhelming after the initial speed burst.

    You can’t fail with these four but the top two were unforgettable experiences that make me want to go back to Japan!

  9. I love Eejanaika! The slow ascent before the first flip was nerve wracking but super enjoyed that ride. The manic person laughing in delight was me lol
    Enjoyed Fujiyama too. It’s old school but quite thrilling. Best experience i had was when it was foggy and we were sitting in front and all you could see were the two rails in front.

  10. I bought plane tickets and finally got my passport in June. Hopefully they open to America by April 😔 my luck and with the recent leadership probably not 😭

  11. Like many others have said, Eejanaika! I went through Fuji Q as a single pass rider and got through all the big rides within 2 hours- cut through all the lines and would definitely love to go back!! Hope you guys are doing okay across the ditch!

  12. I went last year, Takabisha was closed and I pussied out on Eejanaika. Dododonpa was the best ride otherwise, purely for the launch speed. I’m also from Australia so can compare to the Tower of Terror and Superman Escape at the Gold Coast theme parks. Dododonpa absolutely wrecks them in speed, literally feels like you’re being hit by a truck, but in a good way.

  13. Fujiyama, I can ride it all day.
    Eejanaika is its polar opposite. Super intense, kept my eyes closed for most of it.

  14. I’m a stickler for horror so the haunted hospital was my favorite attraction! I’m from an area where theme parks like Busch Gardens, Disney World, Universal etc are commonplace, so honestly the roller coasters weren’t that memorable to me with the exception of Eejanaika. THAT ride I will never forget lol.

  15. Eejanaika was hands-down my favourite ride there and had to be the most fun coaster I’ve been on. What a ride!

  16. I’ve been on around 800 roller coasters and wouldn’t say any of theirs are in my top lists. The best coaster in Japan is actually at Nagashima Spaland. But…

    Do-Dodonpa: My favorite at the park. Fastest acceleration in the world and huge loop with hangtime.

    Fujiyama: A bit rough on the corners but long ride with a cool layout.

    Takabisha: Too rough to enjoy.

    Eejanaika: Ran out of time due to crowds.

    Did the Haunted Hospital as well…long, dark, and creepy but not enough actors.

    Honestly my favorite part of Fuji-Q was climbing up the little hill with epic views of Mt. Fuji lol

  17. Anyone who doesn’t say Eejanaika isn’t a real coaster buff.

    Eejanaika is insane. All the coasters at Fuji Q are world class. But Eejanaika is something that can really only be compared to riding a roller coaster for your first time again for the first time. It’s similar to X but better.

    Dododonpa is cool for that initial launch but the rest of the ride is tame as fuck.

    Takabisha is a solid coaster and great fun, but it’s steep drop isn’t as cool to ride as it looks from the ground. It’s still quite excellent and probably the second best in the park.

    Fujiyama is just a normal roller coaster but huge. That first drop is amazing and few compare. But it doesn’t really have a gimmick, it’s just big.

  18. To echo a little of the others, Eejanaika was mind blowing and still the one I remember the most to this day

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