How does coding work in japan?

Is it written in japanese? If so, how does the order of words work? Using python as an example:
So if i were to write an if statement like:
If 3>4:
In japan would they write it as
3>4 nara:?

  1. Nope – at least for the languages I know.

    You can put comments in Japanese, and put Japanese inside of strings, but many languages have rules on what’s considered an acceptable identifier. C# & Javascript allow kana and kanji in identifiers. Java is a bit more restrictive – identifiers have to start with a normal thing.

    Error messages and Intellisense documentation *may* have been translated to Japanese, but it can very well also be in English. Usually, IDEs are localized. I use Visual Studio in Japanese just to troll my coworkers whenever we screenshare, haha.

  2. No.

    However, some languages allow for non-ASCII variable names.

    In my many years of dev work at Japanese companies, I have only seen Japanese outside of a string literal in one case.

    It was a VBA macro written by some business man that was just learning macros to speed up his work.

    But control flow keywords like if are not customizable in any language I know of.

  3. Depends on programming language, but even Ruby which was created by a japanese person uses english for keywords. Some programming languages will allow japanese (and unicode in general) as variable names, most will only allow ASCII.

  4. Everyone the world over programs in English. That’s just the way it is. It’s not like you actually need to be able to understand or speak English to code, just memorizing a few dozen words is enough.

  5. German here: we still code in english because that’s the language the programming-language is written in. Nobody has time or patience to translate the commands into another natural language.

    Also looking at Python, that thing has hundreds of libraries – so even if you were to translate the base commands into another language -> all the library-functions would again be either in english (good) or just a complete jumbled mess because everyone writes in their mother tongue.

    But matter of fact is, english is the language of the world and thus the language used for every major programming language. Only a few people bother working on the compiler/interpreter, nobody of them is wasting time on translations.

  6. “`
    # これはヴェリアブルです
    テクスト = “こんにちは世界”
    カウント = 0

    while カウント < 10:
    カウント += 1

  7. The code itself would be in English, but the comments might be in Japanese.

  8. Sometimes the comments are written in Japanese. But no one is going through the trouble of completely rewriting existing programming languages to fit the language of the person using it.

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