Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 17, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Was wondering about this from the Dragon Quest 3 [script](https://nayukaaaaa.nomaki.jp/wp/dq4/dq33.html)

    > 「掘って掘って……。ああ、早くリムルダールに行きてえもんだよなあ……。

    This is someone who is digging a tunnel to Rimarudaaru. But what’s the end of that sentence mean? えもんだよなあ

    I think the rest of this is something like, “Dig and dig…. Ahh quickly go to Rimarudaaru [????]”

  2. How do you pronounce the を particle after an お sound, such as えい**ご を** はなせます か? Do you elongate like a normal double vowel sound, or somethin’ else?

  3. Grammar question, why is the topic particle sometimes dropped, like in “杏子かわいすぎる‬” instead of “杏子**は**かわいすぎる‬”?

  4. この進撃の巨人からの文が理解するかどうか知らない。

    設定は、エレンが危ない調査兵団の団員になりたい。しかし母はこれが嫌がって、父にエレンを説得してって言う。父の答えは ”人間の探究心とは 誰かに言われて抑えられるものではないよ”。

    これは誰かに言われる”と”抑えられるものじゃないという意味だ?英語のbyに似てる?つまり “it isn’t something that can be restrained by being told”?

  5. hello! I am struggling to understand the translation I am given of the following sentence:


    The translation given is “I don’t know the purpose of his visit.”, but this is throwing me off because wouldn’t 彼が infer it would be “he doesn’t know the purpose of the visit”? Where is there any signal possession (ie “his”)?

    Thank you!

  6. Just gotten my genki textbook and workbook! Can’t wait to do some self study :’) Any tips and tricks that I should know of?

  7. In informal Japanese is it natural to respond to a question asking if you do something with just する or しない?


    Or is there another way you respond that isn’t repeating the whole sentence


    What’s the difference between あまりに and あまりなも?

    And would I use あまりに/あまりにも if I am trying to say “The water is too hot.”?

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