Got a sushi-making kit for Christmas and I’ve been putting stuff together for coworkers. (Yes, I know one of those is an onigiri)

Got a sushi-making kit for Christmas and I’ve been putting stuff together for coworkers. (Yes, I know one of those is an onigiri)

  1. It is awesome you are trying. A couple tips. If you can even out the rice so the filling is in the middle, it is proper technique. Your top ones are interesting in the photo, but again look for symmetry, and some here will say “it all taste the same who cares”, but I promise, do these things, you will be posting some cool stuff soon!

  2. You are learning! Has u/Kentro2002 said: More symmetry on the hosomaki, and temeri.

    I’ve had colleagues doing worse symmetry than you, so you have a good base to improve. Gambate! XD

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