Moving while in HS or after?

Hey. Im in 10th grade now and my dream has always been to live and study or generally to live in Japan. By the time I’ll finish 11th grade I’ll turn 18 and since I’d still have 1 year of Highschool I’ve been thinking about finishing my high school in Japan. I’ve looked into the whole visa thing but I don’t think there’s any ,HS visa, or at least I couldn’t find it. Do you think with financial support this would be possible? If yes for wich visa exactly should I apply and who should I contact? Or would it be easier to go once I finished HS? If I’d finish my school there I could probably apply to a regular college with their diploma.(?)

(Note: Im Not 100% sure if I want to go to college after HS so maybe a visa that would be long term and make it possible to request citizenship after a while but if I decide to go to college also be able to do that)

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